søndag den 10. juli 2022

Sunday Selections - Summer Holidays

This Sunday I will as usual look back on the past week.

We visited Hundested with the sand sculptures, a recurring event. This year the theme is Time Travels. The sculptures are as usual fabulous, but I had a hard time seeing how some of them fit in with the theme.

Giant hens greeting their great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparent

This guy is a survivor. He has been there from the start, I think.

This one too is old.

I like the painting skills  here - only the sign is real.

Then some soaping happened. I had a botched batch of Woodruff soap ready for a re-batching
Bees' wax

Sweet  woodruff tea


Fats, oils, bees' wax and honey, melting

The botched batch, grated.

And the new soap in the moulds

Now for a visit to my wild garden. It's always harbouring some  surprises
The flax is coming along nicely, standing their ground from the weeds surrounding it, and even about to flower.

Eggs in a pattern.
Elderberry flowers
Blueberries, as yet unripe
Unripe walnuts

My patch of Stinging nettles for fibre.

And that's all for today

8 kommentarer:

  1. I can't tell you how grateful I am to see this post - not only for the wonders in it, but also because I hadn't seen you around the blogosphere and had worried.
    I love those sand sculptures and really, really admire your wild garden for both its beauty and its practicality.

    1. Dear EC. I'm touched by your worrying. Nothing's wrong with me that some weeks of gardening, sunshine, icecream and beaches won't cure. I feel like Bilbo said "like butter scraped over too much bread." And this has been gnawing off my creativity, writing and blogging. I might announce a Summer break soonish :)
      Thanks again, also for the kind words about my wild garden.

  2. You remind me of my old house and its vast meadow, what gorgeous shots of all that enthralls you Charlotte, I savoured every one.

    1. Thank you, this sounds like a nice place. My house is quite tiny, at least for 6 persons, and the garden is all in all a bit over 1000 square metres ;) . As I said to EC, I might be taking a Summer break, but I have already loads more photos for the coming Sundays.

  3. It makes me smile to see your garden and the way you make soap. In fact, all the pictures make me smile!

    1. Thank you. I try to show all the photos which make me feel pleased and contended with my week. And your comment made me smile.
      (Comment released from spam-confinement).

  4. Well done with the soap. I hope the new batch turns out better. Your garden is looking lovely.

    1. Yhanks, I hope so too. It looks promising now cut and drying, It will be ready for testing and a mug shot in a couple of days.


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