fredag den 11. marts 2022

Á Íslandi - 31

The words were:


Susan went out the door and looked in surprise at the Sun. It was way higher in the sky than she had expected. So much had happened already today. She crossed the yard and went in through the door in what had been the inmate's wing. Then she walked up the stairs and softly knocked on the door to the apartment where Sandra had been installed. Fiona opened the door. "Hi Susan, what now?" she asked
"Hi Fiona," Susan answered, "I'd like to speak with Sandra. I need some advice from our local oracle."
"She'd be happy to help you," Fiona answered, "now the antidote has taken hold, she's feeling fidgety, wanting to get up and do something. But the stay in bed has made her weak. She's in for a long period of training and recuperating - better not tell her this!" Fiona said with a lopsided smile.
"I take it she's not a very easy patient," Susan said. "She's used to being the one helping others, caring for herself and being largely self reliant. The sooner we get her back into shape and into everyday life the better."
"Yep!" Fiona said vehemently. "She never has adjusted to being ill. Do come in!"

Susan followed Fiona into the apartment. It looked better than at her last visit, maybe it was only the optimism surrounding Sandra, but everything looked brighter and somehow better.
"Good afternoon, Sandra," she said. "I need your advice."
"Hello Susan, nice to see you again. And I can't thank you enough for that antidote! It has worked miracles already."
Susan looked closer at Sandra, Her once raven hair still had their salt and pepper looks of course, but her cheeks and lips once again held colour, and she did not look emaciated and at death's door. She sat up, propped against several pillows, and her voice was strong like before she drank the pink potion.
"Yes, I can see that," Susan said honestly and a bit shy because of the praise. "And I'm happy to see the changes. But to get to the point: Aamu. Ella knows her, she's a librarian in Schiltach. We both feel like rushing there and finding her. She's a wandsinger too, you know But as I'm sure Lis and Tage already told you, we're not supposed to leave Birch Manor. My question is, should we do so anyway, or had we better wait?"
Sandra closed her eyes. She stayed still for a long time, then she opened her eyes again.
"I think you should leave now. For some reason, I can't see, Aamu is trying to escape the truth. If you do not move soon, she might slip away. Do come back and tell the result as soon as you know it, or send me a letter."
"I will, I promise. Thank you so much. Hurry up and get better!" Susan said.
"Thank you, Susan!" Sandra said. "I am doing everything Fiona and Marit tell me to.Trying to be a good patient, but I'm afraid I'm trying their patience anyway."
"We all love you!" Susan said as an answer and left the room in a hurry.
On her way out she once again met with Fiona. "She sure looks better!" Susan said, and Fiona nodded. "Please tell me," Susan continued, "Is there any more of the antidote left over? or did you need it all for Sandra and Rasmus' children?"
"There's actually a goodly part left," Fiona answered. "Why?"
Finnbogi's boss!" Susan said. "I just remembered. I'm certain Liisa charmed him as well, but I do not know whether she dosed him with that pink potion or just spelled him. I am inclined to think she used the potion. as stolen wands  tend to be unstable. How much did she brew of that concoction."
"It's an easy to make and versatile potion, so lots, I think," Fiona answered. "But that antidote is very potent, a few drops should do it for him. I have hidden the antidote in a safe place. But just ask me or Marit It's just a measure against it being knocked over or drunk by curious children. Maybe unnecessary, but better safe than sorry here. And it won't go bad. Ever."
"Thank you," Susan said. "I'll remember."

Susan packed her backpack and the small brown suitcase. Then she went and woke up Ella. "Sandra says 'go for it, and hurry!'," Susan told  Ella when she was awake. "Let's get going. Do you know when she's at work today?"
"Today's Friday," Ella mused. "Yes! That's perfect. She'll leave the library early, and eat somewhere close by, then return at four to ready everything for the book circle. And I'm supposed to be there."
"How far from your house to the library?" Susan asked.
"Ten minutes by foot, but Walther's car is still at the house. I think I can use it. I am wary as my car is automatic. Can you drive a manual car?"
"All my cars have been manual," Susan answered laughing, "I would be afraid to drive an automatic. I drive, you tell the way. Now you pack a small bag, maybe for a sleepover. I go and tell Knud of what we do! We'll be able to make it in time if we hurry."
  ... to be continued

3 kommentarer:

  1. I am so glad to read of the improvement in Sandra, also that the potion is easy to make and can be stored as it doesn't go bad.
    I hope Susan and Ella have no trouble with Aamu.

    1. Thank you. Let'ssee what happens with Aamu.

  2. Aamu is fighting the truth? She doesn't want magic to be true? Perhaps she's scared and i hope they can convince her and calm any fears she has.


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