lørdag den 26. marts 2022

Birch Manor - Who's Who - Knud's Spreadsheet

Now - at my Unicorn Farm Blog - I've added Knud's Spreadsheet of old apprentices, their partners, their children with partners,  and childrens' children (aka. grandchildren).
It's in Danish, but I hope that despite this it can be of help to anybody getting lost in the many people meeting here and now at Birch Manor.

Please point out any errors or inconsistencies, you find! I'm not perfect, as part 36 showed us all 😇

4 kommentarer:

  1. I didn't check the link, because without writing them all down and referring to the sheet each time I read, I still wouldn't remember who is related to who.
    I write similar "cast of characters" sheets when I write my stories and add to them each time I add another person. I keep the list beside me each time I write a new chapter.

    1. Exactly how I work here. Lissa asked for a dramatis personæ the other day, and as it's no bother adding this I could just as well do it. I think I'll have to update it now and then :D
      You could have Knud's sheet and the story in two tabs in the browser when reading. But it should be possible to read the story without this aid. Only I'm not done making it into a book, and some of the chapters are first drafts ;)


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.