søndag den 24. januar 2021

Sunday Selections

The past week or two we have had Winter, November and Winter again. Here's a couple of crazy photos.

De seneste par uger har vi haft vinter, novembervejr og vinter igen. Her er et par billeder fra perioden.

Beginning with the fountain in snow.

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Det nye springvand i vinterdragt.

Jack Frost made his art on our bathroom window.

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After many years a goldfinch is once again visiting our wild teasel. When we moved in, we had many of these birds visiting each winter and eating the seeds from the teasels. The goldfinches are the main reason why the prickly, dry teasels are left standing in our garden over the winter. And now they have returned ... or at least one of them has.

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Efter flere års fravær er der atter stillidser i vores kardeboller.  Da vi flyttede ind, var der hvert år mange stillidser, og de er hovedårsagen til at vi lader de stikkende afblomstrede kardeboller stå vinteren over. I år er der en efter flere år uden nogen overhovedet endelig en stillids i haven igen.

Nu hvor det almindelige kirkeår er startet, skulle vi jo have et grønt lys. Men det her lys opfører sig altså sært.

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Now that Ordinary Times have once again begun, we needed a green candle. MotherOwl bought one, but it is acting quite strange.

Stillidsen igen. Ugleungerne siger, at den ligner en Angry Bird!

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The goldfinch once again. The Owlets think it looks like an Angry Bird.

8 kommentarer:

  1. Love your selections and, as I melt in the heat, would love the temperatures you are having as well.

    1. Thank you! As snow is a short-lived thing most of our days are rainful and short - you can have the temperatures if you take the darkness and murkiness along with it. A mixture would be better which would give us temperaures in the 20es and a breeze and showers now and then.

  2. Ah, the weather cannot decide, but at least that gives us something to talk about.

    1. Hehe, yes so true. We Danes would not know what to talk about if we did not have our weather.

  3. Jack Frost (or a relative of his!) has been hanging around here, too! Coooold this morning and icy roads on the way to Church -- and we're supposed to get 8"-12" of snow tonight and tomorrow! It'll be a good day to hunker down and get cozy with a book and some hot chocolate. And maybe do some blogging. Trying to catch up now on my blogging friends! Such a pleasure to see your beautiful winter photos! Some things are perfectly universal. <3

    1. This sounds nice. Here the rain and murky has returned already. We're not going to church for the moment. Masses are shortened to half an hour, and we live 46 km. from church - with no car - not going to happen.
      But next week snow and frost should be returning here too.
      THank you for viositing wiht a coztý story.

  4. We are piled high with snow like an orderly army, as the roads and pathways are clear. It is beautiful outside. Sun sparkling, sky a vivid blue.



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