søndag den 24. januar 2021

Sunday Selections Again.

Now it is late Sunday evening. The green candle has burned down, leaving this ruin of a candle behind.

  Today was a good day, We had cakes. All the inhabitants of the Owlery went for walks or a bike ride as they liked. It was cloudy and cold, but no frost and no wind. A lot of people were out walking the streets in and around our little village.
  MotherOwl remembered to bring the camera, and found this:
  Eranthis, the iconic Danish "spring is on its way"-flower.
but spring is not around the corner yet, and thank Heaven for this. Winter will have to come first.

Here's a photo of the wild corner without snow:

Talking of the weather:
  This is the weather forecast for tomorrow and Tuesday. Typical, Danish "winter" just above freezing, cloudy, rain or sleet and wind.
   Add to this the info below. Length of day: 08:06 hours. Sunrise 08:19 and Sunset 16:26. And you get some depressing days - remember we already have more than an hour extra day compared to winter solstice.
  December 2020 was a record month. Denmark had an average of 16.6 hours of sunshine. But in Gribskov (the municipality where we live) we had 9.4 - less than half an hour a day. We have to go back to 1956 to find a lower number (8.6). As a comparison. January, today included gave us 29.7 hours of sunshine.
  The forecast for the rest of this week says frosty nights and above 0 at day, little to no snow and rather windy. Also typical.

4 kommentarer:

  1. TWO Sunday Selections.
    Definitely a treat.
    I love your harbinger of Spring too.

    1. Thank you. There's a long, dark stretch yet ahead of us. Those small spring harbingers . like snowdrops - have anti-freeze in their veins.

  2. A dank, gray winter, no matter how long it seems, will eventually burst into spring. That is one of the joys of life.

    1. So true, I am telling myself this every day. Counting my seed bags and ordering new ones. But ít feels like forever. Sigh. Thank you for encouragement.


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