torsdag den 21. januar 2021

En hel time - One Hour More

Uglemor ville lige tjekke, hvor meget dag mere vi har fået - og så er det allerede en hel time længere Jahuu. Til gengæld er goderne uretfærdigt fordelt. Morgenen har kun fået 19 minutter mere, mens aftenener er hele 45 minutter længere. Men det kommer.

MotherOwl wanted to look how much longer the day has grown. And today it is exactly one hour more! But there's no justice here, the morning has only gotten 19 minutes more while the evening took the lion's part with 45 minutes more. But we'll get there.


Jeg tog også et  billede fra min "Vejen hjem"-lygtepæl, så man kan nyde det herlige solskin vi havde i dag.
  Der er groet mange flere asketræer op, siden jeg sidst tog et billede her.

I also snapped a photo, resting at my usual "On my way home" lamppost. It is has become more overgrown since last I shoved photos from here, but the wonderful sunshine is still as lovely.

5 kommentarer:

  1. I am very glad that you are getting more light - and sunshine.
    Our summer has been significantly cooler than usual (yay) but we are about to ramp up into full summer mode. For the next few days I will try and stay inside out of the heat. And hope for rain.

    1. Hm. Whatever happened to my answer? I looked up the weather and saw almost 35 degrees in your place - too much even for a heat-loving MotherOwl. Sigh. I hope you have a cooler indoors and that the next week brings the promised lower temperatures and a bit of rain. I'd happily send you some of mine.

  2. Ah, the joy as the day gets longer!

    1. Yesterday was so lovely. This morning we're back to rain and murky. But better days are ahead!

  3. I love the beginning of the longer days. And I also love this photo. Just beautiful.



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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.