tirsdag den 22. december 2020

The Day after Winter Solstice

   Even if it's by ZERO minutes, the day has gotten longer! The green word tiltaget means augmented -  in opposition to yesterdays aftaget, which meant diminished.

  MotherOwl is happy - even though she knows, that the longest, dreariest part of winter still lies ahead. An old farmers' wisdom says that at Candlemass winter is half done. This means that if you have not got half your hay and other fodder left for the animals at Candlemass it is the time for slaughter, as it will last the same time from Candlemass until you can put the animals back in the pasture, as the time elapsed from when you took them in to Candlemass.
  I do not know whether this still holds true, what with global warming and such, but it still means that we have at least 3 months ahead of us without greenery outside.
  The days are getting longer though, for which I am very grateful.

Look at the weather forecast for Christmas 2020:
I don't know why I'm writing this except to complain and be happy at the same time. I'm just venting my frustration I think, as this

Photo taken december 2012.
is what we were promised. While this:

Photo taken yesterday at a quarter to one.
is what we get most years.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Even when Christmas is "green" (more brown, actually) instead of white, the fact that the days are growing longer is a reason for cheer.

  2. I am also welcoming the solstice, but for different reasons.
    I am thrilled that the end to our summer (while some months away, will happen).
    I like the temperatures in our, much milder winter but do not enjoy the reduced light - which is also mild by your standards.

  3. I like a green Christmas...but that never happens in Minnesota!


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