torsdag den 31. december 2020

New Year, New Things :: Nytår, nye ting

Nok engang har jeg forlystet mig med Jennifer Fulwilers helgengenerator. I år er årets helgener:

As most years I choose a saint, or rather two via the Saints' Names Generator made by Jennifer Fulwiler. My saints of the years are:

Den gode Jennifer har også lavet en årets ord-generator. Den måtte jeg prøve - og fik ordene: Modig og Nyd. Det lyder da godt :)

Jennifer has also made a word of the year generator. I just had to try and got: Bold and Enjoy. Well, that sounds great to me.
   Her har jeg skrevet ordene i Pantones Årets farver for 2021. De hedder Ultimate Grey og Illuminate. Jeg ved ikke rigtig, hvad jeg synes om den. men derfor skal de da vises frem alligevel.
(Farvekoder: 147 - 149 - 161 og 246 - 223 - 77).

Here the words are written in the colours of the year from Pantone's homepage. They are Ultimate Grey and Illuminate. I'm not totally sure how I like them as yet, but anyway I wanted to show them. (Colourcodes: 147 - 149 - 161 and 246 - 223 - 77).

6 kommentarer:

  1. I love that enjoy has a repeated presence - and hope that is most definitely true. For this year and every year.

  2. Raphael the healing angel -- our world could use a lot of healing about now.

    A blessed and beautiful Happy New Year to you!

    1. You are so right. We need the Archangel of healing for this year. Thank you for reminding me.
      A prosperopus New year to you and yours!

  3. Two good saints, but I'm not familiar with saints.

    Bold and enjoy - two good words and maybe I should try it as I'm often not bold and I find I don't enjoy life enough.

    I wish you a Happy New Year!

  4. Drawing these two saints was inspired. Healing and protection together! And Brave, Bold and Enjoy are a perfect combination of words for the year!
    And I just wanted to mention that Karen of is joining us for Poetry Monday this time!

    1. Thank you. Yes healing and protection is needed today and in the months to come.
      I'm over to read and I'm sure applaud Karen's poem shortly!


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.