søndag den 6. december 2020

Advent Window - Sunday Selections - Thanks

We're are as usual hanging ornaments in out advent window.

But look closer. Yes empty hooks. Marsupilami is self isolating. He had a group exercise together with a boy who tested positive for Covid19. Now we're waiting for the test results.

And the result arrived ...
And an ornament was hung up. Hooray!

6 kommentarer:

  1. I am very, very glad that the ornament was hung. And hope that the boy who tested positive recovers quickly.

    1. We're happy too. He nees a second test tomorrow, but still we're happy. The boy has only slight symptoms; a sore troath and tiny headache :)

  2. Praying all continues to be well, with negative tests all around.

  3. The only time being negative is a positive...
    I do hope the friend recovers quickly. And that COVID bypasses your house completely!
    I love your advent window! What a wonderful idea!

    1. Exactly.
      Tomorrow (Wednesday) our schools go online, the bars, libraries, cinemas, finess places etc. all close down. We batter the hatches and pray for the best.
      That advent window is a fave of the Owlets' too. It's been up for nigh on 20 years now, I think.


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