onsdag den 22. juli 2020

WfW 22 july - No Story

  In July Cindi is providing the prompts, but has asked that they appear on Elephant's Child's blog. This week's prompt is:  
Write one sentence that can be genuinely happy and upbeat as the opening sentence to a story, but as the last sentence to the story it is now chilling, dark, and horrifying.
I just can't. I committed the mistake of reading Elephant's Child's ingenious story, and my head at  once became empty and awestruck.

3 kommentarer:

  1. While I am very grateful for your kind words I am equally sorry not to see where this very difficult prompt took you.

  2. It also makes me sad that this won't become the start of a Susan story.

  3. I think you should take a part of the prompt and do that bit and not the whole thing. Like write a sentence that is happy and then leave it. I kind of interpreted the prompt wrong but I got a story out of it so that's something.

    Have a lovely day.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.