tirsdag den 21. juli 2020

Preparing for New Blogger

  Now today, I sit myself down and pre make a lot of posts. I put in labels, date and time and a title.
  I make a bunch of Poetry Mondays. A batch of WfWs. A dribble of others.
  Like that I can avoid using New Bloggers tedious labelling and pre-posting system for yet a while.

8 kommentarer:

  1. I am hoping (rather a lot) that the Legacy version continues to be available for quite a while.
    I do like your forethought though.

    1. I'm so sorry to disappoint you. I read somewhere - as an answer to a similar question - that it won't. The systems and so on behind Legacy Blogger are outdated and no longer maintained. It is a matter of weeks, a month or two at the utmost before it crashes. I feel so sorry for us all.

  2. Probably i will have to pay for another platform, and i am not sure the budget can stand that. New Blogger will not post pictures, and so what good is it?

    1. Blogger said in the same post - which I still cannot find - that they temporarily reversed the picture function to Legacy Blogger's system until this was resolved. I think the picture function is that important, that they just HAVE TO make it work.
      Just for curiosity's sake - where would you go?

  3. This is awful Charlotte, I kept thinking they would leave legacy on for a while, I will checkout alternative platforms. And please keep us updated.


    1. Yes it is awful. The worst is, that I do not know where to go. I hope you find something better - or like me you'll have to live with New Blogger's antics.

  4. I guess I would be like you and create many drafts to kind of avoid using the new blogger but it can't be avoided.

    I hope you can get used to it in time.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. It's not a question of me getting used to. It is a question of Blogger repairing the things that plain does not work.
      If it was only a question of another interface, and another way of doing things, then I'd be mostly OK with New Blogger - although all that extra scrolling and many more drop down menus would for ever make the processes take longer time.
      But picture adding, and especially the labelling system is non-functional.


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