mandag den 20. juli 2020

Poetry Monday :: Ants

  Diane of On the Border and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday, supplying us with a theme and crafty poems, they are open for suggestions.
  Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings also writes a poem for us to enjoy.

  This Monday Jenny Red has given us Ants.  

I made an oxymoron. A rhyming haiku. 
Disclaimer. This is not a true haiku, This  is a crazy haiku.

When the small green ants
get into your garden pants.
It's time to buy plants.

Next Monday's topic is Leaves, thank you Diane.

8 kommentarer:

  1. It may not be considered a true haiku, but it is certainly a fun one!

  2. Smiling. Unless of course the ant in question is Australia's green-headed ant. In that case it is time to strip off the pants (those beasties BITE). New plants are always welcome though.

    1. These green-headed ant sound like a nasty species of ants. I am happy to say that we have only small not very aggressive ants in Denmark, even though a bunch of Wood ants can ruin a pick-nick, they bite as well, as I think all ants do. My green ants are a poetic species, foretelling the arrival of spring.

  3. Aha, 'forecasting' ants! Nature has a cycle, if you have eyes to see :)

    (I should clarify that 'leaves' is Diane's choice of topic. I should be making that more clear in my blog, and I will try to remember to :))

    1. Yes, I found it suspicious-like that you served the prompts for two weeks running, but as Diane's post was not up yet, I thought ... well so be it.
      I'll rectify my mistake.

  4. I like this crazy haiku. Green ants that eat plants? - No thank you.

    1. The green ants are a symbol of gardening anticipation - the gardener's version og ants in your pants ;) Told you it was crazy.


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