mandag den 21. november 2022

Sneuglejubel :: Snow Owl Happyness

 I morges så verden sådan ud.
In the morning the world looked like this.

Kardebollerne på terrassen - som jeg fangede i et smukt øjeblik tilbage i juli - var også fulde af sne.

The wild teasels - which I last showed off back in July - also had their snowy moment.

Jeg elsker sne!   -- ❅ --  I love snow!

5 kommentarer:

  1. Serene and lovely. Many, many thanks.

  2. Gorgeous! I love snow, too, It's the only time the world looks pristine and clean!

  3. Snow is beautiful. We swamp creatures just aren't used to it.

  4. It looks so pretty but I'm glad I don't have to feel that cold.

  5. @ EC. Serene is the word for newfallen snow, thanks.

    @ Diane. Yes it makes the whole world lokk new and unused.

    @Messymimi, swamp creatures - this makes me think of alligators and such. And I looked up Louisiana ... it's even flatter than Denmark, the highest point in DK being 170 m ... 7 more than Driskill Mountain ;)

    @ River actually it's not cold when there's snow, because normally it's not windy then. When I took those photos, it was - 1 C. and I was dressed i Tshirt, trousers and wellingtons. Today i was bit above the freezing point maybe 2 or 3 degrees C. and wind around 13 m per second making for a wind chill of -5 C. My fingers were quite frozen after waiting for the bus.
    Oh I just looked up Adelaide - our temperatures in June, July and August are very similar, only it's our summer and your winter. Now I see why you think snow is cold.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.