mandag den 7. november 2022

Sære ting på Bloggen :: Strange, New Blogger

Nu er indholdet af mine sidepaneler væk, men kun på hovedsiden. Gad vide, hvad der lige sker her? Og gad vide om og hvornår det mon bliver repareret.

The contents of my side panels have gone missing, but only on the main page; selecting one of the sub pages brings it back nice and fine, so it is there somewhere. I wonder when and if this will be fixed.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Sigh. And they are busy behind the scenes. Today I rescued a comment from spam which had been made more than five years ago. And wasn't spam then - or now.

  2. Even more strange - relpying to uyou brings back side panel contents :)
    Spam markings are a wonder. I also let loose an old one - you still hold the reord :D - some days ago. And just now I freed tree wich I also freed some days ago. I wonder where my answers to those comments went.

  3. Same here: I could not see the side panels when reading your base text, and when I went to commentaries the side panel contents misteriously reappeared :)

  4. Good grief! These blog platforms just get stranger and stranger!

  5. There's no telling what's afoot next. Now i understand why, two weeks ago, i got almost a dozen comments in the spam folder from several years ago. They also were not spam then or now.

  6. A solution -- I asked in the Blogger Help Community; we have some wizards there, and one of them told me it was something in the SCARY-post. I deleted all code in this post, and now we're back to normal, only that post looking whacky, but that's OK. Thanks to Matti of the Blogger Help Community.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.