søndag den 10. oktober 2021

Sunday Selections -- Bad Drawings

Det er søndag, og jeg lovede, eller stillede i udsigt, hvilket jo nok er det samme, at jeg ville vise ugens InkTober-tegninger på søndag.
     Desværre er jeg blevet så dårlig til at tegne på grund af manglende øvelse, at mine tegninger nok kun kan bruges som et skrækeksempel. Hvis du nogensinde bliver bare nogenlunde god til noget, så stop IKKE med at gøre det! Du kan se nogle af mine gamle tegninger ved at klikke på Tegninger i etiketterne (eller klikke på linket).
     Men jeg lovede det. Og løfter skal holdes, selv når det gør lidt ondt ...
     Først listen over stikord og min tyske fyldepen med blæk der kan slettes. Jeg har en ting, der hedder en Tintenkiller - blækdræber - som kan bruges til at rette fejl. Jeg har besluttet ikke at bruge den.
     Jeg tegner en skitse med blyant, tegner linjerne op med blæk og visker blyantsstregerne ud - i hvert fald i teorien.

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It is Sunday. I promised -- or threatened --  to post my InkTober drawings. Sadly I have become so bad at drawing from lack of practise, that my drawings can only serve as a bad example. If you ever get just moderately good at something, please DO NOT stop doing it! You can see some of my old drawings by clicking the label Tegning (or use this link. Etiketter means Labels in Danish).
  But I promised. And promises are to be kept, even when it hurts a bit ...
  First, the list of prompts and my fountain pen, German made, with erasable ink. I have a thing called Tintenkiller - Ink-killer - which can be used to correct errors. I have decided not to use it.
  I sketch in pencil, draw the lines in ink, and erase the pencil - at least in theory.
   Det blev mandag den 4. inden jeg kom i gang ...
    To af dagene, tirsdag og onsdag fik jeg ikke tegnet tegningerne op med blæk. Jeg var kommet for sent i gang, jeg var træt ..
     Det der med at fotografere mine tegninger kunne jeg nok også blive bedre til ...
     Og nu væver jeg, snakker udenom, kommer med undskyldninger, tøver ... Kom så i gang, Uglemor!

OK! I er selv ude om det!

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  I did not begin until Monday the 4th ...
  Two of the days, Tuesday and Wednesday, I was too busy or felt too lousy to do more than sketch ...
  My drawing photography skills are wanting too ...
  And now, I'm temporizing, procrastinating, playing for time ... Get it done already, MotherOwl!

OK! You asked for it. Here we go:
Så kan jeg da kun håbe på at blive bedre resten af oktober ;)

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I can only say that I hope to improve during the rest of October .


Og så til noget helt andet: Noget ORANGE til Life in Colour. Et billede af et nøgle garn, jeg købte bare fordi jeg kunne lide farverne.

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  And to end on  a lighter note, and with something ORANGE for Life in Colour. A photo of a skein of yarn, I bought only because I loved the colours.
The label at the beginning of the yarn says: Strik og smil - Knit and smile.

6 kommentarer:

  1. You are too tough on yourself (as you are about your poetry). Thank you for sharing them. Pressure made me wince.
    I love that beautiful skein - and hope you are feeling better.

    1. I'm only too tough on myself because I know I can do better. But ... well I can't do everything even if I'd like to. And I too felt sorry for the poor Gingerbread Man!
      Thank you --- I hope for improvement soon! and the same for you.

  2. Your drawings are better than anything i could do, and i enjoyed seeing them. As you keep working at it, your skill will come back to you.

  3. I can't see the drawings too well since the images are small but I can tell it's pretty good. The raven looks good. And watch is good too. The one with the finger pressing down an gingerman is a bit distrubing to see but it proves the point well.

    I think you can improve. I see good potential there. Don't be hard on yourself.

    The colors of the yarn is wonderful, like a nice rainbow.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Thank you Lissa, I sure hope to improve. I know what you mean about the poor Gingerbread man. I don't know what he's doing there. I'm trying not to be hard on myself, but it's hard ;) Next step could well be to post the drawings in better resolution and bigger size. I hope next Sunday th have found some extra courage somewhere.
      Thank you for your encouragement!


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