søndag den 4. april 2021

Ⓐ - Ⓩ C - Chili

C er for Chili
C is for Chilis

For snart mange år siden høstede Uglemor masser af chilier i haven. De blev syltet, henkogt osv, men ikke rigtigt spist. Til gengæld koger Uglemor ca. hver 3. uge en ny omgang citronchiligelé til piraten, der elsker den slags. Det er rent held. For nogen år siden købte vi citron-chili-gelé fra ChuChum. De er siden udgået, men vi fik nogle af de sidste glas overhovedet. Og da der jo står en grundig ingrediensliste på glasset måtte Uglemor prøve sig frem med de citronchilier, hun bare havde kylet i fryseren en dag lige inden nattefrosten. 

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Many years ago MotherOwl harvested loads of chillis in the dome. They were mashed, cooked, preserved and so on, but never really eaten. But once every three weeks now MotherOwl is whipping up a batch of lemon chilli jelly. It's mostly for the pirate who eats it every day for lunch (when at home). It's pure luck. MotherOwl harvested a big crop of lemon chillis last year just before the frost came. She just tucked them into the fridge and almost forgot everything about them. Then the place where we had bought lemon chilli jelly stopped making this. We got the very last four glasses, And when they had been eaten, MotherOwl read on the glass. Te ingredients listed up read much like a recipe, MotherOwl remembered the frozen chillis and tried her best.  

Hjemmelavet citronchiligele - stadig hældt i det originale glas.  --  Homemade lemon chilli jelly, still poured into the original container.

Det første forsøg smagte fint, men var alt, alt for slattent og ikke spor gult. Det afkogte er fint gult indtil eddiken rammer det, så taber det farven.
     Næste gang tilsatte Uglemor meget mere geleringsmiddel og gul frugtfarve. Nu er Piraten tilfreds. Og næste vinters citronchilier spirer i vindueskarmen.

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The first try was not so good. The taste was great, but it was runny and not at all yellow. The juice (or whatever) is nice and yellow, but the secont MotherOwl adds the vinegar, bam! all colour disappears. Next batch was made with more gelling agent and yellow food colouring- a nd deemed 100% authentic by the Pirate.
   Now next winter's lemon chillies are growing in the window.

Nye citronchiliplanter --  New lemon chilli plants

8 kommentarer:

  1. Now that is something which would be enjoyed here. It would go very well with cheese I suspect. Happy Easter to you and yours.

    1. Thank you and the same. It is too hot for cheese. We ued it for tacos, tortillas and such. And only limited amounts. This year I'm going to experiment with chillis and ... something because with cheese it would be eaten.

  2. Lemon chili - I don't think I've tried that. It's spicy right? I used to like beef chili but now I can't eat spicy food.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Very hot, very lemoney. A pinch (or the equivalent wet measure) suffices for a whole dinner.

  3. How smart you are to work out the recipe from the label! May you have many chilis and much lemon chili jelly for your Pirate.

    This looks a lot like the pepper jelly we can get here, except that most people use green peppers and so the jelly is green.

    1. Thank you.
      Yes it's the same as the green (and red, when using red chilis) Which both can still be had. It's only the lemon one which was discontinued.
      In situations like this I'm happy for the strict regulations of labels, Ingredients have to be listed from most to less used in descending order and some demads a percentage ... easy job for me ;)

  4. Chilli jam! I have a two sons who love chillies, but don't like jam.

    1. ... and do they like cilli jam? Else you'l have to try.


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