This is almost all the chilis MotherOwl picked yesterday. In a week a new crop will be ripe. We have a chili problem. Last year we got too few chilis, this year MotherOwl decided to plant a few more, and of course they are all thriving and prolific. We need new recipes with chilis.
Claras gule chilier hedder Starflame. De to frø er fra samme pose, og naturligvis spirede kun to af mine 4 x 2 frø - i samme potte. Jeg kunne ikke nænne at »myrde« den lille, der naturligvis viser sig at være den gule. Den lange røde må være en atavisme eller sådan noget. De smager præcis som de gule, så det er mere et kuriosum. Men jeg vil helt sikkert tage frø af begge planter, så jeg har Claras røde og gule Starflame. Det bliver spændende at se, hvad der sker næste år.
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The text says Clara's yellow Chilis. They are called Starflame. I hear protesting yells: But they're not yellow, they're red, and true, they are red. I sowed 4 times two seeds, and of course the only two that sprouted, were in the same pot. Normally I cut off the smallest, but I had pity on the smallest here. The smallest plant is - of course - the one bearing yellow fruits. The ohther plant is similar in all aspcets, leaves, flovers, smell and taste, only the colour differs. I intend to take seds from both plants, and see what will happen next year with Claras red and Yellow Starflame Chilis.
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Chilisukker og -salt per kommet på glas. Der er også andre inressante forsøg. Chili sugars and salts. And other interesting experiments as well. |
Det her er rød shiso og salt. Det er beregnet til at blive brugt som furikake - den japanske benævnelse for drys på ris og andre retter. Det skulle smage godt, omend bittert. Jeg glæder mig til at prøve det sammen med og i stedet for grøn nori drys.
This is red shiso (perilla) leacves and salt. Furikake is Japanese for sprinkles. And that's how this will be used. I hope to try it together with green nori.
Solbærsalvie har smukke, højrøde blomster, og de beholder farven, når de bliver hakket med sukker. De skal prøves på kager, og måske også på noget oksekød.
The flowers of Blackcurrant sage smell of blackcurrant and they have a vivid red colour which stays during the chopping and drying process. I hope to test this sugar as cake sprinkle and as a part of a meat rub.
Chilisukker med stærke, blålilla chilier, Chili sugar made from purplish chilis - it's hot! |
De næste kryddersalte og urtesukre står allerede til tørre på tallerkenerne. Uglemor håber på godt tørrevejr i den kommende uges tid.
The plates are once again filled with sugar, salt, herbs and spices. MotherOwl hopes for the dry spell to continue.
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