mandag den 18. marts 2019

Quest Helper in WoW

Earlier I have been agonizing over Blizzard's lack of writing skills. Today I met up with another example. Darnassus, daily cooking: Remembering the ancestors.

(This screenie is taking with my main (level 114) looking at the Quest - I did not take a screenie first time around, as I thought it was a straightforward Quest)

As I always do, when meeting a new to me Quest, I read the Quest description carefully before accepting.  I went to the Temple of the Moon, got the rice cakes, and then I went back to the trainer. Qua Quest objectives: "Collect the blessed rice cakes from the Temple of the Moon."

He did not want to talk to me. The text reads: "... presenting them to the ancestors". Well yes, I thought that was your job, as it is not part of the objectives. But if I should do that part as well, a pointer to where the ancestors want their cakes would have been much appreciated.

Nothing to it but to open Quest-helper-cum-map.

Oh - there's a golden ❔  up there!

I've never been up there before.Only passing on my way in and out of the Capital.

" ... the shrine the trainer mentioned." Oh, no, he did not mention any shrine.

Does it hurt to write a Quest text in a way that I can do the Quest without having to resort to using Quest-helper?

2 kommentarer:

  1. Quite often those who write these programs do not think to try to use them as the rest of us use them, to test it out and make sure it's good.

    1. You're probably right. Hubby always say that the simplest reason is most often the rigth one.


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