mandag den 18. marts 2019

Poetry Monday :: Blessings

Delores of Mumblings and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey is taking turns hosting Poetry Monday.
Today's theme is Blessing.
I looked at a page, where you can find rhymes, and the rhyme words for blessing led me astray. Here goes. 

-- ✋-- 

Delores fra Mumblings og Jenny fra Procrastinating Donkey skiftes til at opkaste et tema til et mandagsdigt. Dagens tema er velsignelser / fordele / goder / positive ting. Denne gang er det ikke blevet til noget digt på dansk. Det kan være, det kommer senere.

-- ✋-- 

Remember to count all your blessings,
Not your hurts, all your bad times, and fears
Forget all the bad persons messing
with everything you hold dear.

Remember to count all your blessings.
Ev'ry one of them, even the small.
All the babies you've been caressing
even though they're big now and tall.

Remember to count all your blessings!
It is hard, but I'm trying my best
to remember the good, and expressing
the need of forgetting the rest.

Remember to count all your blessings.
You must use all your fingers ... and toes. 
If you try, I'm sure, although guessing,
That you will never even get close

Remember to count all your blessings.
Do you really remember them all?
Excuse me if I am digressing.
Most are surely beyond your recall.

6 kommentarer:

  1. This is a lovely poem and a fitting reminder to us all to be more aware of our many...too many to count. Oh yes, and, sorry about the boiling brain thing. Maybe Jenny will be kinder to us next week.

    1. Thank you - it's not always bad to be boiling a bit ;)
      I'm afraid we're going to fry next week again ;) Jenny's topic for next week is: "Monkeys".

  2. Oh, I like this, with the emphasis on a different part of the opening line in each verse, expanding on the meaning! Sorry in advance for "monkeys" - I plucked it purely out of the air, so I'm going to be boiling/frying along with both of you - ha ha

    1. Thanks Jenny. Let's see what come out of our frying monkeys ;)

  3. Well said! Yes, we all have more blessings than we can count. Someone once asked me, what if you woke up tomorrow morning, and the only things you still had were the things you expressed thanks for the day before?

    1. Thanks. That's a scary thought - at least on a days like today when I'm old and grumpy.


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