mandag den 25. marts 2019

Poetry Monday :: Monkeys

Delores of Mumblings and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday.
Today's theme is Monkeys. (courtesy of Jenny).
What to do with such a theme?
 I had to monkey around, monkeying an old counting rhyme.

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Sock monkey, Brass monkey, Grease monkey, Thief.
Desk monkey, Code monkey, Funky monkey, Chief.
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Delores fra Mumblings og Jenny fra Procrastinating Donkey skiftes til at opkaste et tema til et mandagsdigt. Dagens tema er Aber.

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Hvad kan man gøre  med sådan et tema andet end at abe efter? Digtet efterligner en en engelsk tælleremse.

🙈 🙉 🙊

4 kommentarer:

  1. I thought I left a comment yesterday but I must have forgotten to hit Publish; that happens now and then :)

    I do like what you've done with the monkey topic - all the different ways we use monkey in everyday speech - code monkey is a new one for me and I'll have to find a chance to use it!

    1. Oh, am I happy to teach you a new word. I have learnt so many new words through this cahllenge. Thanks for co-hosting it.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.