torsdag den 24. januar 2019

Words for Wednesday - Thursday edition -- Unicorn Farm 17

As I wrote yesterday. Lissa's  prompts did not speak to me at all. But then, after having written the next instalment of my story, I looked at the words once again. And now, suddenly, I could see how they all fit in.

1. birthday
2. dream
3. cake
4. sugar
5. wishes
6. grant

and/ or

1. joyride
2. promise
3. wishing well
4. ghost
5. flowers
6. love

We just continue right where we laid off yesterday, and once again I took up the additional challenge of using the prompts in the order they were given.

Susan sent one of the photos and the original newspaper clipping to Heidi and the twins via magical mail. The other two she kept with the copy of the local paper in a folder under her bed. She had cast one of those practical "don't mind me"-spells on the folder, so that her parents or even worse, her sister would not notice it. 

Tomorrow was Saturday, the first in this school semester. And it was Linda's 13th birthday. Susan was sure the whole family would get together, Linda would look like a dream in her new dress. They would all eat pink cake, drink lots of cocoa with too much sugar in it, Linda loved oversweet things. All her wishes would be granted her - within limits of course. She would not get a palomino horse this year either.  

Susan had always found such occasions more of a nightmare than a joyride. But now that she knew the reason - her being a witch, at least an apprentice witch - set her apart from her family and society at large; she was able to face these ordeals with equanimity.

Next morning Susan rose early. Breakfast was a quiet affair as Linda slept late.
She had to promise her mother to behave, to pull on a dress, and generally be a normal girl during the celebrations. "Don't you go and spoil Linda's party with your sulks," her mother said.
Susan managed to take a bath and get to her room before Linda arose. She studied herself in the mirror. If she has a wishing well she would throw in two coins and have dark, curly hair instead of the medium brownish haystack she had now. Linda had wonderful golden hair and let no chance pass to mock Susan's common-coloured hair. And she would like to be a bit taller and slimmer. Her body was rather square and boyish, she used to be proud of her strength, well she still was, but she so wanted to look just a little bit like those other girls. And then again, she thought, her plain looks let her blend in. People did not notice her, and she could go on minding her own business without being disturbed.

Susan opened her cupboard to find her pretty dress. As she did so, she saw the ghost of a former inhabitant glide past in the mirror.
"Take it easy, Persephone (that was the name of the ghost). I'll bring you some flowers later today. And do come down and watch the party later, you'll love to see all those pretty ladies and stiff gentlemen."
"And you'd love to see their reaction to me?" Persephone chided.
"Oh, no, Percy. Please don't. Please stay invisible. Mum's gonna kill me if anything goes wrong. Somehow I'm always to blame when something goes wrong."
"I promise, the ghost said. Only do not forget the flowers!"
"I won't!" Susan said, leaving her room.

9 kommentarer:

  1. I really liked this addition. Sadly I am familiar with the 'not fitting in' feeling - without the consolation of magic. Or ghosts to talk to.

  2. this is a fun installment. I like persephone, I wouldn't mind a ghost at a party.

    good use of the prompts. there is a word - rater - which you also used the last installment - I'm not sure it's quite right. should it be 'rather' or is that another way to say 'rather'? just wondering...

    have a lovely day.

    1. Dear Lissa. Thanks for finding my spelling errors. I'm not a native speaker, and my spellchecker seems to accept this typo. I'll go and correct all the "rater"s. Is't not a word - in English at least ;)

    2. 'rater' is a word in English, it just doesn't mean the same as 'rather.' it's no big deal, I make mistakes like this all the time.

      have a lovely day.

    3. New word learned, Thanks. It did not show up in my search at all, as the Danish word 'rater' means installments (to be paid), and ergo filled the search results ;) Lesson learned, go to the off line dictionalry instead of trusting Google.

  3. The prompts tie in nicely with your ghost story!

  4. Very nice “slice of family life” addition to your story. It rounds out the characters.


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