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Right now nature has gone mad. Tansy and scentless mayweed are once again flowering. And this flowers contain more dyestuff than the summer ones.
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Prøv bare at se den lille smule regnfanblomster, jeg kogte op i går.
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Look here, a small portion of tansy. Only the flowers with a little bit of stems. No leaves. Egentlig var jeg i gang med et "Inktober - lav dit eget blæk" projekt, men da jeg så den grønne, måtte jeg lige prøve med en tråd garn. Og søreme. Den blev grøn.
Heldigvis at jeg prøvede, for det vand, jeg hældte fra for at lave blæk, blev en kedelig tissegul farve helt af sig selv.
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I was going to make my own ink for InkTober, but I just had to try and dye some wool in this green dye soup. And the yarn turned out green!
I'm happy that I tried this. Because the green water, that I put aside for ink, has turned yellow in the days since. 
Ud og plukke flere!
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Gone out to pick some more!
It's a pity you have not offered an English translation of the post so I must rely on google translator. It says you used "odorles chamomile". Could you give the scientific name so I can be more sure which plant gave you this lovely colour please.
SvarSletWell, since I'm here right now: Tripleurospermum perforatum or
SletTripleurospermum inodorum, common names scentless false mayweed, scentless mayweed, scentless chamomile, wild chamomile, mayweed, false chamomile, and Baldr's brow, is the type species of Tripleurospermum.
I can see on my blog when I wrote about it, the name I had found was Matricaria perforata!
Colour me confused too!
I'm sorry about my slow answering! Blogger is once again ignoring me - does not sned me an e-mail when there's a new comment :(
SvarSletLuckliy Pia is totally right. Thanks! I normally call it scentless mayweed on my blog.
On my plant dye blog, there's a table of flowers I use with names in more languages.
If you, Mama Ladka, tell me the names in Sloveian (a language, I do not speak), I'll add these as well.