tirsdag den 6. januar 2015

Vejen hjem -- On my way Home

     Hver tirsdag morgen vil jeg forsøge at tage et billede på vej hjem efter at have sat Ugleungerne på bussen. Sidste år tog jeg hver mandag - eller i hvert fald mange af dem - et billede af en uglefigur i et bed.

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Every Tuesday I'm going to take a photo of my way home after taking the Owlets to the bus for school. Last year I did the same with an owl in my garden, or at least I did it many times. 

Her er det første. Tirsdag 6. januar 2015  --  Here we go. Tuesday, January 6th.

Jechaliśmy przed świtem po zamarzłych polach,
Czerwone skrzydło wstawało, jeszcze noc.
(Czesław Miłosz "Spotkanie")

Øh, måske en oversættelse af de to linier af digtet vil være på sin plads: "Vi kørte over frosne marker før solopgang / en rød vinge viste sig, endnu var det nat."  (min oversættelse. Titlen betyder "Møde")

Oops, a translation of the two stanzas of Polish poetry may be appropriate: "We went over frozen fields before dawn / a red wing rose, still it was night." (My own translation The name of the poem means Meeting.) 

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    'still it was night'... That's exactly what I would have thought if you hadn't told me it was actually morning and your children were on their way to school. We've never had to go out early in the morning in the dark, though my son does go to work before sunrise some days. But he leaves home at 5.20 am. Even then, the sun is not far behind him, especially in the summer. I do enjoy hearing about the differences between our lives. Thank you for sharing!

    1. ... and this Tuesday was a clear morning. This morning it was drizzling and overcast. Pitch black it was. You must live much nearer to the equator than we. Butt actually it's only the golf current keeping Denmark from being frozen 9 months out of 12. Follow our latitude, you'll end up somewhere in New Foundland or Siberia.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.