torsdag den 15. december 2022

Commenting ... maybe a solution

I complained in the Blogger community over the many changes to Blogger - and a helpful user answered me there. He furthermore told me that many of the commenting issues Elephant's Child and other are having could be due to the fact that modern browsers disable these two browser settings as default - and sometimes re-disable then when they update:
- Save Cookies
- Allow 3rd party website tracking
And as these settings are the two main reasons for issues with commenting, I recommend that you check them out - alternately have someone tech savvy to teach you how to do (it's not that difficult, but differnt from browser to browser) so you know where to look after an update to change them back.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you. I will investigate. Mind you, I don't want universal third party website tracking. I have found (mostly) that changing my browser (temporarily) addresses the issue.

    1. I do not like it either, but I have found out that to allow thírd party cookies, but limit cookie duration, ads and all other tracking (and I often do a cookie-clean up) plus using an ad-blocker, gives me the best of two worlds. Comparatively free acces to anything I want, and no ads or at least no personalized ads.

  2. You didn't mention which browser. It's true that some browsers are set as the default browser and sometimes not though I don't see how it makes much difference. And save cookies & allow tracking - often, these settings are not turned off. But I suppose these could solve some problems. I have found any solution is better than no solutions.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. No, I did not mention what browser, because it seems to be an universal problem. Most browsers change some settings after an update -quite irritating, and often it blocks this or that og prevents the opening of whatever.
      I have found these settings in all the browsers I use, and I always try to limit the number of cookies to a minimum.

  3. Those are great ideas to check out.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.