onsdag den 28. september 2022

Flax - an Itty-bitty Update

     Den 27. - altså efter 6 dage i tønden - hev jeg bundterne op af vandet igen. Det lugtede slemt! Og jeg synes, de bare knækkede for et godt ord, og jeg frugter, de har fåert for meget, og dermed er totalt ubrugelige. Dagen inden, den 26. havde de været helt uændrede.
     Først hang de på vores tørresnor for at blive skyllet igennem af regnen. I dag hældte jeg dem over med frisk vand og hængte dem op i tørvejr.
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September 27, after 6 days in the barrel, I took up the flax PHEW! what a stench. And the straws were brittle, I hope they are not over-retted, but fear that this is indeed so. The day before I tested the straws, and they were unchanged. For a day they hung on our clothesline being washed by the rain, today I poured fresh water over them and hung them on a wall beneath the eaves to dry.

Jeg forsøgte at rense et enkelt strå, der kom dette her ud af det, så nu får vi se.

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I tried cleaning a single straw. This is the result, so I hope it ends well.
Skal det mon se sådan ud? -- Is this right?

Og noget smukt at kigge på mens jeg bekymrer mig.
And something pretty to look at while worrying.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Thanks for the update. I hope it ends well too. I really hope that.

  2. Praying it turns out well, i have no clue what it should look like.

  3. I meant to look up the flax process, but then I didn't. I hope it works out well.

  4. Glad you were able to redeem. All the best for the days ahead.


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