onsdag den 25. maj 2022

Words for Wednesday - May 25

This Wednesday WiseWebWoman gave us following words:


As this is a The more, the merrier kind of endeavour, please, remember to follow the links, go and read other peoples' stories.

And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement.
We ALL need encouragement.

I am continuing the story of the mysterious examination in transformation. I used a couple of the prompts. But not them all. I'm not satisfied with the story or my writing skills. But I want to tell this story! I hope to continue soon.

After dinner they were ordered to stop thinking more of the test. A big fire was made in the meadows between the beach and the small forest and they sat around the fire watching the setting sun. It turned cool, and  the mosquitoes came out trying to get a bite off of them, but the fire was warm and the smoke kept the mosquitoes mostly at bay.  Torben got his guitar, and they sang new and old songs, Swedish, Danish, English and even a Finnish song, When Torben became tired of playing, Fiona and Veronika gave it a try. Then Susan timidly asked to take over and played some of the songs of Shu-bi-dua. A very popular Danish band, singing contagious, nonsensical texts. She even braved some of the tracks from their brand new album "Shu-bi-dua 4". Everybody sang along, and thankfully did not notice or at least did not come with any critical comment on her errors. These songs were tough to play, fast and with eternal shift in tempo and keys. The fire burned down low and the apprentices got into the sleeping sacs in the eight big tents, two for each team, one for boys and one for girls. The boys from the green team, Knud, Kalle and Terje felt a bit lonely in their big, green tent until they found out that the yellow team also only had three boys, Then they simply invited them over. This invitation was thankfully accepted by Elvin the oldest of the yellow boys, Elvin's compatriot Josh, and the Norwegian Bjørn of roughly the same age.

As the teachers were also sleeping in tents or gypsy-like caravans down in the meadow, the apprentices mostly slept.
Still it was late before the sun set, and it rose early next morning as the sun do in summer time in Denmark.   Strong coffee and hot tea were brought by the nisser and hot buns too.
While they still ate and drank, Thora distributed the mail. Some of the apprentices had letters, but most had not. Much to her surprise Susan had a letter. It had foreign stamps and was addressed to Ms. Susan Olsen, The Unicorn Farm, Unicorn Island, 4700 Naestved, Denmark.
... to be continued

11 kommentarer:

  1. I really, really look forward to seeing where the prompts take you (and us) each week. And have never been disappointed. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for hosting. Next Wednesday is June the 1st, and I'm providig the prompts. I have already pre-posted the prompts for all of June.

  2. Lovely Charlotte, your characters are so interesting and really come to life.

    1. Thank you. They are alive to me, I'm happy to hear this.

  3. It was time for a break, i am glad they got a campout to enjoy. Like EC, i look forward to your stories.

    1. Thanks, Yes they (and I ) needed a break.

  4. You wove the words in so well I didn't even notice them. A nice chapter.

    1. Thank you! I think it could have been sdone so much better, so your nice words are welcome indeed! (And now out of the spam-box).

  5. Lovely story, oh, to sleep by a fire at the water, ... so nice. Thank you for dreaming along!

    1. Thank you for following me on my nostalgia trips ;)

  6. I certainly hope Susan's letter is good news, not bad.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.