torsdag den 19. maj 2022

Mor Ugles hævn? Revenge of MommyOwl?

     I slutningen af april fortalte jeg hvordan  ugleparretUgleTV havde fået deres æg ædt af en mår og mod alle odds var begyndt at ruge igen. Ungerne er nu klækkede, der er to eller tre, og Uglefar bringer bytte i massevis til reden, hvor det ligger stablet op og venter.
     I dag så det sådan ud.

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  Late in April I told of how the  owls in OwlTV had their eggs eaten by a marten, and how they in spite of all expectations began brooding again. The owlets have now hatched, two or three of them, and DaddyOwl is diligently brining home prey for MommyOwl and the owlets. The surplus of prey lies in the nest.
  Look at this.

Er det en mår ude til venstre?  --  Is it a marten to the left?

7 kommentarer:

  1. I don't know what a marten is, but if it is that ball of fluff, then good for Daddy Owl.

    1. A marten is an egg-eating animal, much like a weasel. He ate the first three eggs from the owls. Daddy Owl is doing his job well!

  2. It's the way of the wild things, one day you eat, the next you are eaten.

  3. Great photo. Thanx Charlotte. God bless.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.