mandag den 28. september 2020

Poetry Monday :: Clothes

  Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and Diane of On the Border  are taking turns supplying us with a topic for this weekly endeavour. They also always write wonderful, either funny, thought-provoking, ingenious or simply good verse. Go and read. This Monday's clue is Clothes.
   Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey is taking a break due to her husband's health issue. Let's continue  to send warm thoughts, good energy and lots of prayers their way. 

 Pants, skirts, blouses or shirts?

Oh, ants in my pants,
And a mouse in my blouse,
Dirt on my skirt
And a squirt on my shirt.

Rocks in my socks
And glue on my shoe
Roots on my boots
And a gnat in my hat.

But the goat ate my coat
and the vandals took my sandals
Shredder had my sweater*
And the kittens my mittens.

Now all I've left over
Is a shirt full of clover.
and soggy old pants,
filled with seeds for my plants.

But that's as should be
Because clothing for me
Are but practical things
 To protect me from stings
And from thorns and from stones
I dont care about the Jones'.
When I tend to my plants,
I'll wear tabi and swants!

For next Monday: Our favourite pictures.

* In the Danish version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the lines:

Shredder: You may call me ... The Shredder.
Raphael: A kitchen utensil?

is translated:

Shredder: You may call me ... The Shredder!
Raphael: Did you say Sweater?

4 kommentarer:

  1. I am with you.
    Clothing needs to be comfortable and practical. I am also a grub. I dribble food on myself and wipe muddy fingers on my pants and through my hair. Fashionistas would shudder. And I care not.

  2. Soooo cute! And I’m the same. Clean (or started out that way) and comfortable. And eminently serviceable!
    Fashion and style, if they happen, are always an accident.

  3. Oooh - so funny and so true! As a keen gardener it is definitely practicality over style or fashion for me. And I'm always wiping my muddy fingers on the seat of my pants.

  4. Excellent! Swants -- i am not sure i want to know what someone will think of next.


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