fredag den 4. september 2020

Link in New Blogger

  Somewhat more than a year ago, I made a post on how to make a link in Blogger. It is one of my most read posts. Now the time has come to make one like it for New Blogger.
  MotherOwl proudly presents:

How to make a neat link in a comment New Blogger version:

 Go to this page and make a new post. It should be easy, as you do this often ;)

Write a relevant word: I choose "Link":

Mark the word, and choose Link (funny icon like a broken chain) from the menu bar (I have to first choose ••• and then Link, because I enlarged the size and the menu bar does not enlarge).

Tick off open link in a new window (the one ticked off in grey), and click on "Insert link here" (or something like it - sorry my Blogger speaks Danish 😀) the letters turn small and blue.

Copy the relevant link from somewhere (here from one of my WfW posts) and paste it on the red line. Select USE (or whatever - the orange word in Capitals) or hit Enter
I use "Ctrl + C" to copy and "Ctrl + V" to paste.

Now your post looks like this. Press the pencil to the left, marked by a red circle:

Press HTML - the <>. Your post looks like this:
Mark the text from <a  to a> and copy it (Ctrl + C) you don't want a new line along with your link.

Press the <> and choose Compose again - at the pencil icon - to make your editing window look normal next time around.

Go to the comment you were writing, or wherever you're writing something needing this link. Write your comment / post / whatever.
At the right place paste your link using "Ctrl + V".  It'll look like this:
 Choose "publish" and voila.

- Take care to not inadvertently publish this post 😉 
- I keep a draft with links for copy/pasting. Then I just need to edit the link instead of starting over every time I need a link.

6 kommentarer:

  1. That's a lot more steps than I use to make a link. I highlight the word I want to make a link to, by double clicking, then click ... for the menu, click on the "chain" for link, type the url on the line in the popup window then click on whichever option I can't remember right now and the highlighted word becomes the link. Click on ... again to make the menu strip disappear.

    1. It is River - but it also gives you the information you need to put a link into comments where you don't have the 'chain' to help you.

    2. I just think I describe the same procedure with more in between steps, and proceed to how to past this link to somewhere else. But if you have a smarter way, I'd like to see how you do it. Remember, this is New Blogger ;)

  2. Thank you for this comprehensive explanation.

  3. Thank you. Now i just have to figure out how to write the post, then figure out how to get the pictures i want on my computer instead of my pad so i can insert them.

    1. Yes strange things happen! As said earlier, one of the reasons for this New Blogger is to faclitate use of mobile devices - this is ridiculous. Have you told them via the in-Blogger report system?
      By the way it's not that hard to use a computer if you're used to pads ;) The other way round is worse. Moving the photos migth be the worst part.


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