søndag den 13. september 2020

Bye Bye New Facebook

I was going to publish a post titled Bye Bye Facebook in a few days as I'd be leaving FB because of the new layout there. But then Steve of FBPurity saved me.
  He has made an add on for most Browsers called Revert site. It simply makes Facebook think you are using an older browser, so that it will show you the old Facebook design.

  I give him and these two extensions (or add ons, I'm not sure about the right term here) credit for having saved my sanity and six stars out of five!


4 kommentarer:

  1. I don't play FB but have heard nothing good about the changes.

    1. I use Facebook for the groups I'm part of, Such as Nettles for Fiber, Soapmaking troubleshooting, Online training sessions, Elsinore in earlier times (Photos from Susan's home town), Grammar nerds' showcase and so on. The "liking and following" part not so much ;)
      But the only good I've heard has come from FB staff or young people using only mobile devices. The bes description of the new lay out was that they used the mobile lay out for the PC as well. Evil and correct ;)

  2. Every time they change, it takes me months to become--if not comfortable , at least competent. Ugh.


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