tirsdag den 8. september 2020


What I did with a few minutes of my spare time today:

... making drafts for Poetry Monday and Words for Wednesday for the next 8 weeks or so. Every time I use one from now on, I'll make a new one, so that when New Blogger steamrolls me, I have at least 7 weeeks where I do not have to wrestle Labels and pre-posting (dates) in DNB.
   I hope this is a stitch in time, and I won't be forced to leave Blogger when the New Blogger hits. I'm still stubbornly changing back every time I'm given the new platform, but some day - soon I'm afraid  - that option won't be available any more.
  I just hope Blogger has ironed out all bugs and missing features till then.

3 kommentarer:

  1. I have been doing much the same and preparing posts for when New Blogger refuses to let me revert.
    I do hope that they fix the multitude of bugs/glitches but am not going to hold my breath.

  2. Sad that you have to do this. As for me, i am still unsure what i'm going to do.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.