mandag den 11. maj 2020

Ishelgenerne - Ice Saints

I dag er det koldt og det bliver det ved med denne uge ud. I år lever ishelgenerne op til deres navn. 

Ishelgenerne og deres mindedage:
    Mamertus, Biskop af Vienne – 11. Maj
    Pankratius, tidlig Martyr – 12. Maj
    Servatius, Biskop af Tongeren – 13. Maj
    Bonifatius, tidlig Martyr – 14. Maj
    Sophia, tidlig Martyr og mor til tre gudviede jomfruer – 15. Maj

Når deres dage er bag os, er det tid at plante ud og så frostfølsomme planter.  Det vil sige at der skal sås og plantes på lørdag.

-- ❄🌱❄ --

Today it is cold and windy and we'll maybe get a touch of frost in the coming nights. It's the ice saints causing this. They are:
St. Mamertus, Bishop, May 11.
St Pancratius, May 12.
St Servaitus, Bishop, May 13.
St. Boniface, May 14.
St. Sophia, nicknamed Cold Sophia,  May 15

When their days are past, it is time to plant out and sow plants that can not tolerate frost well. Saturday sowing will happen, I hope. 

6 kommentarer:

  1. Yes, they are managing the weather decently.
    Interestingly, we don't know the first saint you mention, we only know three.

    1. Today we had hail, so far no frost, and true that the saints, and numbers of them are regional.

  2. The ice saints are busy here. We are having frosty mornings (and I mourn for the tree dahlias which probably wont flower this year).

    1. I don't know what kind of havoc the Ice Saints can wreck in the Southern hemisphere ;) But I'm sure they're quite able.

  3. The heat is being delayed here, and i am grateful.


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