mandag den 18. maj 2020

Happy 100th Birthday JPII

     I dag åbner kirkerne igen, og i dag ville Johannes Paul II være fyldt 100 år. Mon ikke han har vidst hvad vi ønskede os i fødselsdagsgave!

❤️  💙  💚  💛

Today our churches are once more open, and today John Paul II celebrates his 100th birthday. He sure knows how to celebrate!

  💛  💚  💙  ❤️  Tillykke på dagen - STO LAT - Happy Birthday - Buon compleanno ❤️  💙  💚  💛

15 Signs You Are Catholic
  1.     You can follow every prayer in Mass, regardless of what language it is in.
  2.     You have given up something sweet for Lent … at least a dozen times before.
  3.     You dress a lot nicer when you know you might see the Bishop.
  4.     You have genuflected (or started to) in a movie theatre, a funeral/wedding at a non-Catholic church, etc.
  5.      You complain when the parish buys a new brand of Communion wine.
  6.     You can say a family rosary on a trip in less than 15 minutes and know that God still heard it over the baby screaming.
  7.      You have prayed a rosary while tired, fallen asleep, and thought, “glad my guardian angel finished if for me.”
  8.     You have stronger knees than any of your neighbours who aren’t Catholic.
  9.      You assume the headlines in your local paper about the Catholic Church will lead to a story that isn’t accurate.
  10.      You are missing John Paul II more than some of your own relatives
  11.      Instead of saying “tough it out” you say “offer it up”.
  12.     All your children have Mary in their names somewhere. Including the boys.
  13.     You have a set of recipes just for Lent.
  14.     You have a collection of amusing word mix-ups from the Mass – e.g. Lasagne in the highest.
  15.     You have found yourself absent-mindedly humming Mass parts.
Number 10 got me crying when I first saw a list like this. 

5 kommentarer:

  1. There is no catholicism in me, but this list warmed my heart. I suspect six in particular is fervently believed by many, many parents.

    1. Thank you. Yes number 6 is, I suppose, a normal family thing.

  2. Nice 15 signs! The two I most agree with are probably 7 and 9, and no. 14 really had me laughing.

    1. Thank you, I'm happy to make you laugh. I'm sure we all have those jumbled sentences from when we, or our children, were small.

  3. It is lovely to have the churches opening again.

    That list is wonderful!


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