tirsdag den 23. april 2019

Ⓐ - Ⓩ -23. april - Ⓢ - Sol, Sommer og Solstik

Ⓢer for Sol, sommer og solstik.
     Sol har vi allerede haft en hel del af, hele påskeferien faktisk, og det var herligt. Uglemor, Skribenten og Ugleungerne kan godt lide varme dage i haven.
Ⓢ er jo det bogstav der er flest danske ord der starter med, så der kommer nok flere undervejs.

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 Ⓢ is for Sunshine, summer og solstik (Jostaberry).
We've had Sunshine all through the Easter holidays. MotherOwl, the Writer and the Owlets have enjoyed the sun.
In Danish Ⓢ is the most frequent letter with which to begin a word. Maybe some more will pop up.

Vajd med store knopper op mod domen. Det er næsten sommer
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Voad with big buds outside the dome. It is almost summer.

Ⓢer også for spirer, her spirer de lystigt i domen beskyttet mod vind og vejr.
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Ⓢ is for sprouts as well.Here pots with seeds are sprouting in the protection of the dome.

     Birkesaften er blevet til sæber. I hvert fald noget af den. De er alle sammen blevet stemplet med B for birkesaft-sæbe.
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The sap from the birch trees has been turned into soap, some of it at least. The B on the soap tells me it is birch sap soap. 

     Og så er der solstik. Den blev plantet i sommeren 2019. Det var herligt varmt og meget tørt. Uglemor troede ikke at den ville overleve, men det gjorde den, og den er endda groet. Måske får vi bær om et par år.
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And Jostaberries. They were planted in the dry, hot summer of 2019, and MotherOwl did not think that they survived, but they did and they have even grown. Maybe in a year or two we will have some berries.

     På japansk hedder kirsebærblomster Sakura. Dette er ikke helt den ægte vare, de er jo ikke pink, men de er da flotte. 
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Sakura is the Japanese name for cherry flowers. This is not quite the stuff, as they're not pink. But they are pretty.

    Og som Shu-bi-dua synger: "Vi har også brug for svanerne. for de får hinanden til sidst." Her er svanerne i hvert fald. ("Greven ud af luften" 78'eren).
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A Danish band from the 70ties and 80ties called Shu-bi-dua played funny, lively songs, with crazy rhymes and odd texts. One line goes: "We also need the swans, because they're married in the end!"  Well at least we got the swans.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Loving your garden and the swans. Our swans are black and white ones are the stuff of fairytales.

    1. When as a child I visited our local castle, the moat there had black swans as well. I visited again last year, but all the swans were white. I miss the black ones.
      It is always interesting to compare with Australia, out fairytales is your everyday life and vice ersa.

  2. We have lots of words that start with S also, as you know. Summer is a favorite, and swans are so pretty to watch.

    1. Yes I think it's not only in Daish, but in all the Germainc languages that S is the most common initial letter. Summer and Sunshine are the best. There's even a happy song called "It is Summer it is Sunshine it is Sunday ... "

  3. I was curious as to what jostaberries are, and looked it up - a cross between black currant and two kinds of gooseberries - sounds delicious. We love gooseberry jam here but it is hard to find them for sale. I hope yours grow strong and give you many berries.

    1. Jostaberries is a German word: Jo comes from Johannesbeere (Currants) and Sta from Stachelbeere (Gooseberries). The Danish name is made in the same way SOLbær (blackcurrants) and STIKkelsbær (Gooseberries) with the added fun that solstik also means sunstroke. I had some in Germany, and loved it. I hope mine will turn out as tasty.
      We grow lots of gooseberries too, actually too many with 5 bushes, as gooseberry tarts and cakes is a favourite thing in the Owlery, and gooseberries are hard to come by and expensive too.

    2. Thank you for that background, Mother Owl. And now my mouth is watering for gooseberries :)


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