onsdag den 10. april 2019

Ⓐ - Ⓩ - 10. april - Ⓙ - Jordbær

Ⓙ er for jordbær.
     Uglemor elsker jordbær, Skribenten elsker jordbær. Ugleungerne elsker jordbær. Vi elsker alle sammen jordbær. Og når det ikke er sommer og vi kan spise friske jordbær, så spiser vi jordbærsyltetøj. Det allerbedste vi ved, er varme scones med jordbær-jordbærsyltetøj. Og nej, jeg er ikke begyndt at stamme. Jordbær nummer et er store, røde havejordbær, og jordbær nummer to er små, søde skovjordbær, som haven også er fuld af. Syltetøj kogt af de to slags jordbær sammen smager mere end dobbelt så godt.

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Ⓙ is for jordbær = strawberries.
MotherOwl likes strawberries.  The Writer likes strawberries. The Owlets like strawberries. We all like strawberries. And when it is not summer and we cam pick and eat fresh strawberries, we eat strawberry-jam. The very best is hot scones with strawberry-strawberry-jam. In the garden we have big, red and sweet strawberries of the garden variety, but we have also small, wild strawberries which are very fragrant and aromatic. Jam made from both of these together is so very good.

Haveuglen vogter havejordbærrene. 
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GardenOwl keeping watch over the garden strawberries.

 Frøen vogter skovjordbærrene.
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The frog guards the wild strawberries.

9 kommentarer:

  1. When I was growing up there was a huge patch of wild strawberries in a field near our home. Our family (mom, dad, brother, and me) picked cupful after cupful every summer and my mother usually made a bottle or two of jam (after all, they were very, very small!) It is a wonderful memory for me, crouching in the tall grass on a warm day with the scent of strawberries all around. We were taught to slip off the hull as we picked because the berries were too small and fragile to be handled more than once.

    I like your wooden container for growing your berries; much more attractive than what people do here, which is just to plant in rows and pile hay alongside.

    1. What a sweet memory. I also slip the hulls while picking, and teach the Owlets to do the same. It's easy because ours is the variety that slips the hull easily when ripe.
      The strawberry pyramid looks pretty, I admit. I have been forced to dismantle it, as in hot summers the berries will wilt and die from lack of water. Rows and straw underneath is prosaic, but it works. This year I have to search for the pink-flowering strawberry plants again, as they all died in the wonderfully hot summer last year.

  2. Yum. I grow our strawberries in hanging pots. The birds and I watch anxiously to see if they are ripe. The birds are faster than I am.
    As a child I can remember seeing my mother's cockatoo carefully turning over a strawberry to check if it was ripe (red on all sides). If it wasn't he would put it back and check again the next day. If it was ripe it was down his beak quickly.

  3. Don't you have to water them a lot! I also race the birds, here it's blackbirds, for strawberries -- and they win. But then I cheat, protecting the berries with anti-bird netting.

    1. I do have to water them a lot. However in this dry continent almost everything has to be watered. The birds win the world over...

  4. There's nothing like standing in the berry patch, enjoying the ripe harvest.

  5. I've never had hot scones with strawberry jam but I had cream cream cheese with strawberry jam (or jelly) on a plain hot toasted bagel - I love this combination. strawberry is my favorite fruit. whenever I pick out a favor for something like ice cream, I would lean toward strawberry.

    have a lovely day.


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