lørdag den 13. april 2019

Ⓐ - Ⓩ - 13. april - Ⓜ - Morgenfruer

Ⓜ er for morgenfruer.
     I mange år kunne Uglemor ikke få morgenfruer til at gro i haven. Hun købte frø, fik frø af genboen og sjal endog frø fra smukke morgenfruer i nærheden. Nogen gange spirede en enkelt blomst frem, men den døde i sommerens løb. Så for 5 år siden fik Uglemor den idé at fremstille morgenfruesæbe. Og pludselig ville morgenfruerne gro.
     Det falder fuldkommen i hak med at sommerblomster og andre prydplanter bare ikke vil gro. Uglemor skal have et formål med sine planter ud over bare at kigge på dem. Da storesøster var lille, delte vi af og til et brev blomsterfrø. Dem hun såede spirede, groede og blev flotte. Uglemors blev aldrig til noget. Og de var altså sået samme dag i den samme have ...
     Men nu har Uglemor masser af flotte og nyttige morgenfruer.

- Ⓐ - Ⓩ -

Ⓜ is for marigolds.
For years MotherOwl tried to make marigolds grow in the garden. She bought seeds, had some from a neighbour, even stole some seeds in a nearby garden. To no avail. Sometimes one or two measly marigolds began to grow only to wilt and never be seen again.
The 5 years ago MotherOwl wanted to make marigold soap. And suddenly the marigolds began to grow and be many.
It is always like this. Plants and flowers have to have a purpose other than being pretty.
When Big Sister was small, we sometimes shared a bag of mixed flower seeds. Hers grew and thrived. MotherOwl's never sprouted or died soon after. And they were planted on the same day in the same garden.
Now MotherOwl is making marigold soap and un-petroleum jellies, and her marigolds grow big and strong, and pretty!

En af de ekstraflotte morgenfruer. - - - One of the extra pretty marigolds.

8 kommentarer:

  1. Lovely things.
    In one of our homes I can remember them blooming through the snow, and providing a welcome splash of colour.

    1. Fantastic! Here they begin to grow in late spring. They only started showing up this past week.

  2. I love marigolds, but do not plant them because my husband is fiercely opposed to the smell! (He is so easy to get along with in most ways that I don't mind accommodating this.) But your photo makes me realize that I miss them. Yay for thriving plants when you need them to be so!

    1. Yes the smell is a bit offensive, and i HATE the sticky feeling on my fingers when picking them. Dried they do not smell at all, and the cream/ointment whatever its name is in English, I make from them is worth all of it. It heals my fingers from gardening and my legs from mosquito and flea bites - I attract every flea and mosquito from miles around, this time a year even the flea beetles attack me while I'm weeding.
      I hope you can see marigold in neighbouring gardens. It is a pretty sight.

  3. Don't marigolds keep bugs out of the garden, and make a wash that discourages mosquitoes from biting?

    1. I'll have to look this up somehow. Anything that can keep mosquitoes away is a sought after remedy ;) In my book they're healing and soothing to the skin. Proprieties I use in my soaping and ointment making.

  4. I like marigolds especially for their colors. are they always orange? I think I saw a few that are yellow though I really couldn't identify them or much of any plant or flowers.

    have a lovely day.

    1. You are right. Marigolds are not only orange, they can be yellow and even creamy white. The middle of the flower is either same colour or brown.


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