Men Haveuglen forlangte - og fik - en fin ny rede.
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The weather this latest week has been everything GardenOwl dreamt of. To his great frustration several of the inhabitants of the Owlery were ill, too busy, or even wounded. Ergo he only had full time attendance from MotherOwl and help from The Pirate when school and homework and computer games let him.
But anyway, GardenOwl demanded - and got - a new nest.
Alting kommer til den der venter, siger man jo, og Uglemor nåede ikke at tømme potterne for døde vækster; og se så, hvad der skete. De var slet ikke døde!
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Everything comet to those who wait; goes the saying. This is true even if the waiting was involuntary. In making new best and all the other project, MotherOwl did not find time to empty the pots from dead flowers. An you know what? They were not dead at all.
Så har Uglemor jo også skullet på indkøb. Og der stod de. Fristende, række på række. Uglemor taler selvfølgelig om planter til udplantning, og løg, og frø ... Der kom et par stykke eller tre med hjem.
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MotherOwl went shopping as well and there, in the shops they were. Tempting, row after row. MotherOwl is talking about garden plants of course, and bulbs, and seeds ... Unintentionally some sneaked into the shopping basket.
Arktisk hindbær og solstik -- Arctic raspberry and jostaberry |
Hvide ribs - white currants |
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MotherOwl also placed the neglected not frost hardy herbs back into the garden. So far in the shadow on the terrace.
Måske har denne timianplante ikke overlevet vinteren indendørs. Men den, jeg sidste efterår anså for tabt og plantede ud, har overlevet en vintern med ned til 16 frostgrader og barfrost.
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Maybe this thyme did not survive the winter indoor. But the one, I gave up as a lost cause last spring and planted out in the herbal bed has survived frost down to minus 16 degrees even without a covering of snow.
Der sker også andet i urtebedene. Sødskærm og esdragon spirer sammen med timianen, i går plukkede vi purløg til æggekagen. Og i det andet urtebed holder en lille ugle øje med løvstikken der snart vil gro den over hovedet.
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A lot of thing are going on in the herbal beds. Together with the surviving thyme tarragon and cicely are growing strong. And we picked enough chives for dinner yesterday. And in the other bed a small owl watches the growing lovage. Soon it'll cover the owl.
Uglemor er kommet lidt længer med at lave nye kanter om bedene. Nu mangler der kun ét bed. Så er det tid for at luge og plante.
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MotherOwl is still framing the raised beds. Now only one left. Then comes weeding and planting
Måske er langsommelighed også godt for andet. For godt et år siden sendte Pia fra ColourCottage mig nogle vaid-frø. De spirede aldrig, men måske er de her nu. Pia, hvad siger du?
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Maybe MotherOwl's tardiness is good for something else as well. A year ago Pia from ColourCottage sent me some seeds for woad.They never germinated even though they were sowed immediately upon arrival. But maybe they have now.
Vaid eller ej? -- Woad or not? |
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