lørdag den 16. februar 2019

Vinterferie -- 5 -- Winter Holidays

     Haveuglen kan ikke tåle frost. Derfor går han hvert forår glip af dette vidunderlige syn. Hele vejen rundt om Haveuglens tomme rede myldrer det frem med erantis.
     Solen skinnede lystigt i går, og Uglemor lugede gårdspladsen, til stor glæde for os o vores 7 høner. I dag har Uglemor ømme muskler et meget uventet sted. 

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GardenOwl cannot stand frost. That is why he never ever get to see this wonderful sight. Every year in the early spring GardenOwl's nest is surrounded by lots and lots of yellow eranthis. Our earliest spring flower.
The Sun was shining as MotherOwl took this photo. She spent the rest of the day weeding, much to the pleasure of our 7 chicken, and today MotherOwl is sore in unexpected places. 

3 kommentarer:

  1. Those eranthis which look like tiny little suns must be a very welcome sight after your winter. I too have been weeding and my bones and muscles ache.

  2. Weeding is hard work, yes. But the results can be seen and last longer than my sore muscles :)


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