tirsdag den 7. november 2017

En chance til -- A Second Chance (7. november)

     Egentlig havde Uglemor skrevet et indlæg i går og bedt det om at udgive sig selv her til morgen. Ganske kort før dette tidspunkt kastede Uglemor sig over tastaturet og råbte: "Stop pressen!".
     Da vi vågnede i morges, så verden nemlig sådan her ud:

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MotherOwl had written a blog post already yesterday and set it to auto-post early this morning. Shortly before the time, MotherOwl yelled: "Stop the Press!" and threw herself at the keyboard. As we awoke this morning, the world looked like this:
Spirliien ser ud over engen  --  Marsupilami looking at the frosty meadow

     Vi gik og snakkede hyggeligt på vej til bussen, da Piraten pludselig spurgte: "Hvad er det for et dyr dernede på engen?" Spirillen spurgte: "Hvilket dyr?" Hans briller lå som sædvanligt trygt i hans lommere ;)
     Uglemor havde en mistanke, men da hun jo havde kameraet fremme for at tage billeder af den frostkolde morgen, tog hun et billede af dyret. Og hun havde faktisk ret i sin mistanke.

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As MotherOwl accompanied the Owlets to the bus stop and were quietly blabbering along, The Pirate asked "What's the animal on the meadow?" Marsupilami asked: "What animal?" His glasses were in his pocketses as usual.
MotherOwl had a suspicion, but as she had brought the camera along to document the frosty morning, she quickly snapped a photo. And yes, she was right.

Mikkel Ræv på vej over engen -- Br'er Fox walking the meadow
     Vi kommer vidt omkring på vores morgenlige vandreture til bussen, brygning af mjød, svampe løbeænder versus høns, månefaser, og i dag sultne ræve er blot nogle af emnerne fra den forgangne uge. I morgen vil jeg nok fortælle Ugleungerne el lille moralsk historie om en ny chance. I går havde Uglemor nemlig så travlt med at fotografere månen, der stod klart på himlen, at hun ikke nåede af fotografere de japanske lygter, Skribenten havde bedt om et billede af, før det gyldne solopgangslys var falmet. I dag, da Uglemor vendte hjem med hovedet og kameraet fuldt af ræv, skinnede morgensolen endnu smukkere på de japanske lygter. Uglemor snuppede hurtigt - og med fare for liv og lemmer på den morgentravle vej - nogle billeder af lygterne. Og søreme. Der var et helt perfekt imellem.

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MotherOwl and the Owlets have some interesting conversations on their way to the bus stop. The last few days we've been discussing the brewing of mead, phases of the moon, mushrooms, Indian runner ducks contra hens, and today foxes. Tomorrow MotherOwl is probably going to tell the Owlets a small tale of the second chance. Yesterday as the Writer waved goodbye, he remarked how gorgeous our neighbours' Japanese lanterns were looking in the golden morning Sun. MotherOwl promised him photos of them, but alas, MotherOwl was too busy photographing the Moon. The golden morning sun was no longer caressing the Japanese lanterns as she finally returned home. But today, as MotherOwl returned with head and camera filled with fox, the lanterns were  maybe even brighter. Placing herself in mortal danger from the aggressive morning traffic, MotherOwl snapped some photos of the lanterns. And The Writer deemed this one to be perfect.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Det var også en usædvanlig smuk og stille morgen her, men ikke tid til en længere kamera tur, da jeg havde en aftale med kiropraktor.

    Japanske lygter er så flotte, det er ikke lykkedes mig at bevare dem i græsbefængte bede, men måske hvis jeg en da får renoveret det hele... Har du prøvet at fotografere dem mod lyset, for at se om det skinner igennem?

    1. Øv, tidlige morgenaftaler er dumt på smukke dage ... men det kan man jo ikke vide. Det er min tur i morgen.
      Jeg har også prøvet at importere lygterne til miin have, men de klarer ikk ede 5 meters rejse :(
      Jeg må prøve den der med modlyset i morgen, det er kun i et meget kort tidsrum solen skinner på de her lygter.

  2. Uglemor,

    Frost! Wasn't it only a couple of days ago that you were telling me you hadn't had the first frost of the season yet? It's easy to see the fox with the white background. We have foxes living in the bush and on the farmland near us. They are considered pests because they are an exotic species and they upset the natural eco-system. They also eat people's chooks or chickens which is rather annoying!

    There's a lot of learning going on at your place at the moment. (I told you that you are unschoolers!) There used to be a pair of Indian runner ducks living at our local lake. I loved watching them move through the water.

    Thank you for putting yourself into mortal danger so you could share the photo of the lanterns. Yes, your photo is perfect!

  3. Foxes an exotic creature - I can't wait to tell the Owlets when they - and I return. Or maybe I'll just wait until tomorrow morning. Today is just one of those days where evverybody's busy chasing their talis.

    1. *tails.
      And the frost was a one shot thing. Today and yesterday, and i suspect the coming weeks we are back to the normal dreary grey drizzly, depressing semi-daknes again.


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