mandag den 1. juli 2024

Poetry Monday :: Free Choice

Every Monday is Poetry Monday. Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and I have taken over the hosting duties, mostly the supplying of the prompts - only temporarily we hope - while Diane at On the Border is taking a break for health reasons.

This Monday's prompt is either
Canada Day or Free Choice. As I'm not a Canadian I go with Free Choice. And right now everything is growing, ripening and ready for picking, this is what I write about.

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Happy Canada Day to all celebrating

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We are picking plums and cherries
blue- and rasp- and other berries
we are busy
almost dizzy
swallows soaring in the sky

Herbs and spices we are drying
saving up for food and dyeing.
Chives and parsley
growing sparsely
We greet showers from up high.

In the forest mushrooms popping
standing close as people shopping,
In the fall when
they are all grown
we will bring them home to fry.

In the evening pots are steaming
I am stirring, I am dreaming
larder's growing
jams all glowing
Bats are chirping in the sky.

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Next Monday: Candid

5 kommentarer:

  1. Happy Canada Day to those celebration.
    Your poem sounds busy, hopeful, productive and delicious.

  2. That's a beautiful summertime poem. It's good to be preserving and enjoying all the growing things.

    1. It sure is, and I do - more this year than for long!

      Freed from Spam-prison.

  3. Very beautiful poem praises the summer!
    I really like the last stanza!! It creates a positive image of happiness.
    Because I also like to do all these things in the summer!
    Have a beautiful July!!


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.