mandag den 15. juli 2024

Poetry Monday :: Growth

Growth - It seems I cannot get away from whining about the weather and incessant rain. Well let it at least be nice and rhyming whinies then.

Growth is everywhere
Plants grow here and there
Weeds and beans,
Flowers, greens,
tomatoes and grains
Just because it rains.

Growth is here and there
In my place and their
weeds and tansies
peas and pansies
mildew and hen's banes
Just because it rains.

Growth is in the air
clouds like a nightmare.
Thunder rolls
and lightening flashes
Puddles in all holes
All is splish and splashes.

 - - - - -

Next Monday: Conclusion

6 kommentarer:

  1. I really like your poem - and would very much like some of your rain.

    1. A weather exchange service would be a great inventions. Danish farmers and people on holiday would be happy to exchange some of our rain for sun and dry, and you would be happy to get rid of some excess heat for some of our rainy clouds :)

  2. Great poem :) I wish things in my garden would show some growth. The rhubarb especially, but the green leaves are all eaten away in spite of the steel wool I placed to deter the slugs.

    1. Eww slugs! We have really an invasion ths year as well. A beer trap is my best bad idea. Rhudabs need lots of water an d compost, and when they grow, I have found that even slugs does not really harm them. The problem is the beginning.

  3. Well done! Yes, rain is good for growth if there's no flooding, although constand rain and gray is hard on the heart.

    1. Things are growing ... but we do have minor floodings, farmers can't harvest their grains, and even if they could, they are rotting from excess moisture. We've had all of 7 days with no rain since 1st of June and around 80 % of the precipitation we normally have in the three summer monts, after an equally wet Spring - sigh! And the constant rain, drizzle and grey clouds are driving everybody nuts. Travel agencies are having a blast, telling us that all is sold out. I hope and pray that the coming weeks will bring more dry and sunshine.


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