tirsdag den 30. juli 2024

Words for Wednesday :: July 31 :: The Words

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Troubles led her to bow out, but the meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

  Essentially the aim of this meme is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given some prompts. These prompts can be words, phrases, music or images.

  Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog. This fun meme includes cheering on the other participants.

  And the more the merrier goes here as well, so if you are posting on your own blog then please tell us in the comments, so that all other participants, can come along and applaud.

This post goes live at 16.01 Tuesday my time. I have found out - hopefully now correct - that this is when Wednesday begins in Canberra.

For today the prompt are:


28 kommentarer:

  1. Svar
    1. Been busy, forgot to come back and link up, sorry. It's over here.

    2. Freed from spam prison after reading your story.

  2. Hi Charlotte and EC - here's my rather odd take:

    Patently they'd no idea about the A for Alphabet – it all started really well … B for Bookends, C for Careful, D for Devoted … why G for Gland came before E for Elegy defeats me, and for that matter F for Fabulous … I give up … the second set isn't much better – where on earth is H for Hilary … and then we get I for Island … where we find J for Jellies, K for Kites, and of course ...

    … there are many L for Legends occurring in these British Isles, and yes … there are many M for mirrors where if the British people were N for Narcissistic they could be found. Perhaps they've learnt those lessons from their Queen, who died R for Recently; S as I've been Strictly complying with T for the Task at hand. Also I forgot P for Pale Ivory … it's faded into the distance or hidden in the U for Undergrowth; now why on earth Violence has to rear its head, when W for When X occurs as the Y for Yoke on the Yak … but we must end here – it's Z for Zee end …

    A for Apologies for this take on this week's words … cheers Hilary

    1. No need for apologies, this is a witty take on this week's words. Well done indeed!

    2. Definitely no need for apologies. This is clever - and fun.

    3. Very Clever Hilary! I like it.

    4. No apologies necessary. Just wish I had thought of this. Prompts were challenging.

    5. What a fun way to use the prompts.

    6. Hilary Melton-Butcher: I like your idea using the alphabets, it's fun and creative.

      Have a lovely day

  3. Yak, yak, yakkety yak. The meeting droned on. Rachel knew she had to be careful not to be caught zoning out (again) and put on her ‘listening intently’ face. A quick glance in the mirror opposite told her it would pass muster.
    Team leader after team leader spouted acronyms that were all so much alphabet soup to her. They were like bookends. Identical and serving only to prop each other up. She wondered idly whether there was a self importance gland or whether it was a pandemic virus.
    Would her elegy have to find a polite way to say she had been bored to death or would it talk of a violent snap where she had stuffed page after page of wasted pale ivory paper down someone’s throat.
    Enough. She fixed her listening face firmly into place and drifted off to a fabulous place. An island of legend, with clear water, dragons and people devoted to their family, their friends and the beautiful world they lived in…

    1. EC, I remember such meetings and often took my dictionary to look up some of the ridiculous words they spouted. I remember actually asking one of them to stop talking while I looked up vicissitudes.

    2. Hi EC - oh yes meetings like that ... and then switching off into one's own world - wonderful. It still happens - I must remember my mirror face! Great take on the words ... pale ivory paper - too true. Cheers Hilary

    3. EC you did it again. Good job. The part a bit chilling stuffing paper down the throat. LOL

    4. That's one good point of being self employed, no team meetings (except when I mutter to myself about something).

      River, I love the story of the stopped meeting, I'll bet you had them momentarily speechless.

    5. To the point - exactly. If only those acronym -spewers knew just how boring we find them ;)

    6. I only hope she enjoyed her "getaway" while the meeting droned on.

    7. Elephant's Child: How does one get a 'listening intently' face? I don't think I had ever been in a meeting that wasn't boring. The only thing to do is to keep your eyes open. Good use of the prompts.

      Have a lovely day

  4. I had to look up elegy and I'm not sure I can use it, but I'll do what I can.

    1. Thank you - using all the words is not compulsory - even using none is fine as long as writing happens :D

  5. My story is completed and posted on my page.

    1. Thank you. LINK to your post here. It's well worth a read!

  6. Ellen always had a fabulous time when she visited all her cousins, but she and Sally were devoted to each other. Every year once she arrived, they changed into their swim suits, ran out of the house, while Aunt Tip yelled her usual "Be Careful". The farm property ended at the lake where they promptly jumped in and swam toward the small island about 50 yards from the shore.
    She was leaving after 2 weeks of sheer bliss and one final swim would bookend the visit.
    They woke to the sounds of rain, mouse gray clouds, followed by booming thunder, and lightning, the kind legends are made of. They fretted that they would not get their traditional last swim, but as soon as it had begun the violent storm passed, a calm settled, and left the surface of the lake like a mirror.
    They hurried into their suits, and ran to the water for one last dip in the lake
    Like they did every year, they swam to the island and recited some elegy they had made up to mourn the end of the visit. To the tune of the alphabet song they both sang "I'm as sad as I can be, 'cause you wont be here with me".
    And without another word they swam back, and Ellen changed into dry clothes, then got into the car to leave.
    She rode away with tears, swollen glands, and the sounds on the radio playing "yakkity yak, don't talk back".

    1. Anne in the kitchen: This is lovely. I hope their love for each other continues throughout their lives.

    2. I do indeed have a favorite cousin of the same name, and though the particulars of the tale are totally fiction (other than me loving to go to her house of chaos with her 7 siblings) we are still close.

    3. And my own comment - released from spam prison:
      Very well written description of these long, lazy summer's days, and a tongue in the cheek ending, that made me smile. Perfect, thank you!

      PS. It makes me happy to know the cousin is real - what is it with cousins and many siblings that makes us happy to visit? - and still close.

  7. I guess I'm late again. Anyway, My take on the prompts is here: Fiction: Black holes and other unexplained fates

    Some unusual words, some pretty normal but words I rarely used and some unexpected ones, they really make me rethink their meanings. I like your choices, it makes writing challenging which is good. Thanks for all the prompts.

    Have a lovely day


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