søndag den 28. juli 2024

Colour of the Month :: August

Wow, it's almost August already.

I have been absent for some time, We have illnesses in the family, I had the root canal treated tooth extracted after all - and only after a lot of tooth ache - and it is the most rainy summer holidays ever, despite which we are still celebrating all the many birthdays of our birthday season.

 Each of these alone would be a good reason for not blogging much. Together they offer the perfect explanation for my prolonged "ghost presence" here ... at least I hope so.

The colour for August is
a colour I would have found fitting for the weather and my mood in July. I hope to find more optimism and positivity in the days to come.

Today is the last Sunday of July. And the day to say good bye to July's colour:

The fields right now are this colour. Wednesday it did not rain in the evening, and I went for a short walk. Look how wonderful the views are over the ripening fields.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Love that scene - and hope that August is MUCH kinder to you and your family.

    1. I hope so too, but I'm afraid that the old saying: It has to get worse, before it can get better, is still in force.

  2. You're right, the fields do have a light ivory in them. I wish many happy returns of the day to all in your family celebrating birthdays and hope you get more sunshine.

    1. Thank you for your good wishes. At least yesterday and today we've had no rain, and yet a birthday ;)

  3. The fields are beautiful in those shades of green and yellow and ivory too. I like the August grey, but I have never ever seen a mouse that colour, only ever brown mice.

    1. Grey mice exist. Together with the usual brown ones, I have seen some grey ones here, but they are a more brownish grey.
      The names of colours are not always logical.


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