Blogger putter stadig tilfældige kommentarer i spamfængsel. Jeg lover at slippe dem ud hurtigst muligt. Blogger is still randomly putting comments in spam-jail. I promise to free them as fast as possible.
Hehe, our frogs are still sleeping too, this one was a couple of years ago.
It is too long since I have seen or heard a frog. I would happily celebrate frog day.
We have frogs at the creek, and on occasion, one will hop into our yard.Candy frogs, how fun!
Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.
Hehe, our frogs are still sleeping too, this one was a couple of years ago.
SvarSletIt is too long since I have seen or heard a frog. I would happily celebrate frog day.
SvarSletWe have frogs at the creek, and on occasion, one will hop into our yard.
SvarSletCandy frogs, how fun!