tirsdag den 30. marts 2021

Sommertid - Dayligth Saving Time

Ugler HADER når der er nogen, der piller ved deres døgnrytme.

 Owls just hate people messing with their time.

9 kommentarer:

  1. LOVE that image.
    We turn our clocks back next weekend. I too hate having the time fiddled with, but will admit that this change is overdue. I am now up for several hours before the dawn.

    1. Exactly the same will happen here in half a year. The fall back is waay too late.

  2. How i wish we could convince all the governments that insist on this foolishness to just reset the time by 30 minutes and leave it there permanently, thus "splitting the difference" and making it much easier on all of us.

    1. Now that's an idea! I'm so going to tell about it!

    2. But on the other hand. Our standard time is already ahead of the sun, so, no, not a good idea. The best would actually be moving the time half an hour in the other direction. Winter mornings starting in pitch dark from early September is not my cup of tea. Normally (not-corona-times) tomorrow would mean me getting up before sunrise and once again going to the bus just about dawn. No biking to school for Owlets for another 3 weeks more :(

  3. All this daylight savings stuff, I really just don't want to bother or agrue about it anymore. I just follow everyone and change the time and hope my clock is correct.

    Even though the owl drawing looks mean, I somehow like it, it's a great illustration. You didn't say who make it.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Owls are mean, they can scare avay a fox! I love this angry owl, and have it hanging on the wall by my computer.
      Who made it ... Urgh I can't remember, and I can't find out :( Before putting that owl here, I searched the web and my dravers, but I found nothing. I scanned it from a small folder on happenings in the woods near me many years ago (it was not yellow - wonder where it came from). If anybody knows who made it I'd be happy to put his or her name along the owl, where it belongs.


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