fredag den 18. september 2020

Experimenting with Blogger - Updated

As per October 7 this does not work for me any more.

If you're in for an experiment to try to access Legacy Blogger even if the option is not given to us any longer here's how I do it.

You'll need your BloggerID: It is in the place marked with an orange oval in the screenshot below. I greyed out mine as I do not want you to edit my blog 😉 But I think you get the idea.

- copy the words below the screenshot into a document.
- copy / paste your own BloggerID instead of the X'es
- copy / paste the whole of it into the adress line of your browser.
- press Enter and you should be back to Legacy Blogger's bloglist.

28 kommentarer:

  1. YES!!!!
    I needed to make several attempts, but I am there. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    And, since my browser is set to open with my home page and the tabs I was last using, if I don't close this one I have it retained.
    Consider me awed and grateful for your talents.

  2. PS: I am sure that other people would also like to be able to do this. Would you mind if I put a link to this very clever post on my Sunday Selections post? If you would rather I don't I will not.

    1. Link all you like! or copy paste - or copy and edit. Do as you like, just spread the happy message.

    2. PS. sorry to be slow answering.. I have been avay, visiting my mother together with my daughter and her two little ones.

  3. I tried to do this Charlotte but unsuccessful. Does my blog have a numeric sequence ID that I'm not finding? I am so intimidate by New Blogger. What do your xxxxs mean? The blog name.

    thanks for all your help and research on this. Much appreciated by us luddites.


    1. The blog ID and and user ID are two different numbers. To find your blog ID, go to your dashboard. Use that number in the URL. It works. I just tried it.

      Rather than leave a window open. I copied the of the URL of the old screen to the bookmarks bar. When I click on new post, the new blogger comes up. Then I just click on the bookmark and it switches back to the old.

    2. "I copied the URL of the old screen..."
      I wish the comments had an edit feature.

    3. Neat solution. Thank you.
      And yes, an edit feature would be nice! Something for new Blogger to implement, or maybe not, because then spammers could edit their innocent comments into something else --- and I bet that's the reason behind no editing allowed. (Thinking while writing here 😉 )

  4. Oh Charlotte you are amazing, I finally sorted it out. I was making it more complicated than necessary. I have Old Blogger back!!

    Thank you thank you thank you.


  5. Thank yopu all for being my guinea pigs ;) And I'm so pleased to help. Like EC I just never closed the tab, and figured out how to do this. I hope it's going to work for some time yet.

  6. OMG!!! Thank you so much. It works like a dream.

  7. Thank you SO much! Worked like a charm.

  8. Dear Uglemor,thankyou so much for showing us how to access the legacy version. Why Blogspot changed it?..i guess, because they can.
    And thank you, Elephant's Child for pointing out Uglemor's post. i bookmarked it.

    1. I'm sorry to disappoint you. The answer honestly is: Because they have to. Some of the code etc. behind Legacy Blogger is decrepit and outdated. It will eventually stop working altogether. Their "crime" is not the changes as such, but the stupid ways they did it.

  9. It doesn't work for me...the screen briefly flashes to the old interface, then goes back to New Blogger...

    1. Ew, I hope Blogger has not found us out. Try again after refreshing the browser or even closing and opening it.
      I am working in a Firefox-ripoff called Pale Moon and sometimes in Waterfox. It could be a browser issue.

    2. Still not working (I tried with Chrome and Edge). Maybe the HAVE found us out LOL. Thanks anyway!

    3. It's still working for me in those I mentioned and Firefox. And I'm not going to jeopardize that by trying in other browsers, sorry.

  10. thank you my friend
    sounds reliving !

  11. Blogger has closed off this option in the last few days. Too bad! but they are in control. I went to the blogger/ google help page and there are lots of people not happy with as they were not with the previous changes. The only solution is to keep reminding them on the actual blog page that we are not happy with the changes. Their claim is they are making it easier for mobile users. I myself doubt that many bloggers are mobile bloggers.

    1. Mobile devices for the reading of blogs, yes, I think it's quite common - not me, though, eye problems do, I cannot use those tiny print devices ;) But for the writing of blogs, well, No thank you, and I believe most people agree.


    1. Yes those threads are sure filled with unhappy users. But Blogger does not listen in there. Use the ? in a circle on your editing page instead.

  13. It's been a few months since I visited your blog and the problems with the newest changes, between this and the last ones previous, are the link lists no longer seemt to be working. Not unless you revert to the classic blog templates. Which is fine if you don't minds spending all day working on it! Ihad links galore in different blogs, and they remain but if you try to change them, the 'gadjet' disappears. Hope all are healthy!


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