mandag den 23. september 2019

Poetry Monday :: My Favourite Drink

Quite a long poem to tell of my favourite drink. 
The theme this Monday is given by Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey.

When first we found the house of dream,
The Owlery where we live all.
It was a cloudy day with rain.
I went there with two Owlets small.

When we had looked at house and garden
At yellow house among green grass,
I told my daughter "Beg your pardon.
There one test yet the house must pass."

We went all through the village looking,
but nowhere answers could be found.
Nobody was at home and cooking.
In the end we reached sacred ground.

The little village had a church
around the church were graves and tombs.
And in this place we went to search
the place for watering cans and brooms.

And there we found a water tap.
We let the water run a spell
while quick I folded from a scrap
of paper a cup for our thirst to quell.

The water tasted sweet and good.
And now we both knew that we stood
where we would live. Hear what I say
Fresh water's my favourite any day.

And the theme for next Monday is Beauty. Courtesy of  Diane.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Now why didn't i think of that! Yes, i drink a lot of fresh, good water every day, but i wrote my poem about my other favorite, coffee.

    It was very smart of you to test the water before choosing a place to live.

  2. Sweet water is a truly wonderful drink. I have lived in cities where the water supplied was vile. Mostly I prefer rain water, chemical free and delcious.

  3. I SO agree!
    And great job with the subject!!!

  4. To be able to get good-tasting, fresh water out of a tap is something so many of us take for granted. You were smart to check on the water.

    You've told a great story with this poem.

  5. Thank you all. Your comments makes me want to continue writing.


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