fredag den 27. juli 2018

We need more ...

Angels and leprechauns,
Blue cornflowers in ripe wheat fields,
Castle ruins coated in ivy,
Dragons of every colour and size,
Earthy gnomes, and Norwegian ones too,
Flowers in gardens for pleasure and bees, 
Greybeards hanging out in public places,
Half-timbered cottages with flowering hollyhocks,
Ice creams and soda-pops on hot summers' days,
Japanese haiku about cherry blossoms and fir trees,
Knights in shining armour,
Lakes covered in duckweeds, 
Mothers and fathers and children who play,
Notes from a piano drifting on the breeze,
Odes from a lover in the still of the night,
Primordial forests and white sunny beaches,
Queens with crowns on their heads as in fairytale,
Rainbows and thunderclouds and sunsets in red,
Snowballs flying overhead on wintry days,
Tables laden with cakes and good friends,
Unicorns and elven maidens,
Valorous people, defending what's right,  
Witches and wizards, Will-o'-the-wisps and even the Bog Woman.
Phoenixes, golden red, the creatures of dreams,
Yetis and Bigfoot and Nessies galore,
Zebras and horses running in herds.

The Bog Woman - Mosekonen - is an old hag-like figure from Danish folk lore.
Her green haired children are seen as tufts of long grass in the daytime.
And when the meadows and bogs are cowered in mists, it's her, brewing her brew.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Helt apropos, har jeg lige læst "Min mormor hilser og siger undskyld" af Fredrik Backman - hvis du trænger til læsetips.

    1. Tak, nye bøger er altid velkomne i vores læseglade familie.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.