fredag den 23. februar 2024

Fredagsfrustrationer - Alt sammen det samme

Er nogen stadig i tvivl om at varer i de forskellige butikskæder bare er den samme vare hældt i forskellig emballager og til forskellige priser?

Hvis ja, så læs her: Fødevarestyrelsen - Risiko for metalsplinter i chokoladecookies

Hele tilbagekaldelsen ligger som skærmdump på min "brokke-blog", men den vigtige del er her:

In English.
Small metal splinters have been found in cookies from one cookie factory. This leads to practically all supermarket chains in Denmark, and some small "independent" shops too, calling back their chocolate chip cookies.

Can we doubt any more that all produce are the same - just having different labels and prices in the different brands?

5 kommentarer:

  1. It is sad. Unless you know the source, it's all the same.

    1. Exactly. I try to buy the 'other' stuff, but it gets harder and harder to find.

  2. Interesting that ALL have been recalled. Here in my city there is one cookie factory so if anything is amiss with their cookies (biscuits) those are pulled off the shelves but other brands stay.

    1. The problem here is that those 'other brands' were also made in the same factory, only packed in differnt papers. sigh.

  3. Food for thought. Not cookies ...


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