mandag den 27. marts 2023

Poetry Monday :: Earth Day

Jeg undskylder til alle danske læsere. Poetry Monday er en engelsksproget blog-leg. Og jeg har ikke altid krudt til også at skrive et digt på dansk. Især ikke i dag, hvor den idiotiske sommertid får mig til at ligne uglen på billedet herunder.

-- 🌍 -- 🌎 -- 🌏 --

MotherOwl is still grumpy from the start of Daylight Saving Time that began this Sunday as this poem might show.


The subject of this Poetry Monday is
Earth Day.

I looked up Earth day. This year's theme is: "Invest in the Planet"  Well this would be good if it was a coordinated effort of some sort, but it's the same old song, destined to make you and me feel bad for not doing enough, even when our best is only a drop in the sea, and much more efficient measures are needed to turn the tides. Don't get me wrong, I'm not stopping buying organic, growing my agarden without -cides, sorting my waste and so on. But ...

I wrote a dialogue poem. The two emojis are arbitrarily chosen - they were easy to distinguish:

👤 - Today we're celebrating Earth Day!
👵  - Do we really know when Earth has its Birthday?
👤  - An ordinary day in spring/fall
         We celebrate the Earth, home to us all.
👵 - Do I have to bake
        A globular cake?

👤 - That's not really what it means
        We're going to think of saving the greens
👵  - What about the blues, the purples and the whites?
👤  - Yes all of them. All Earths colours, right!
👵 - Do we have to clean,
        Give Earth back its sheen?

👤 - Today we're brainstorming any and all
        No notion too tiny, no idea too small.
👤  - "Invest in our Planet" here today
         That's really all there is to say.
👵 - Then I have a plan
        Do listen, my man!

👵  - We put up a dustbin near every house
         A dustbin, no better whole rows
         For paper, for plastic, for textiles and glass
         The bins everybody can use as they pass
         Because all reused
         Makes for non-polluted.

👤 - But who has to empty, to clean and replace
       You know that messiness will be the case?
👵 - Well you said "invest in our planet" the Earth
        I realise now that there is a dearth
       Of wanting to do,
       Of real follow through.

👵 - You just want us all to feel inadequate.
        When it comes to action, politics prevail:
         It's expensive it's ugly and stinking
        What'll the neighbours be thinking?
        To not just be sleazy
        It must be made easy!

 - - - - -

Next Monday: Maps

4 kommentarer:

  1. Jeg er faktisk også lidt groggy - og har sovet dårligt de sidste to nætter. Har aldrig troet på det der sommertidsforvirring til andet end børn med faste sengetidet, men måske det er det, der er fat😅

  2. You're right, a large, coordinated effort is needed, and i am not sure we have the capacity to pull it off.

  3. Excellent poem and so true that most people don't try unless it is all made easy for them. You should just see the non-recyclable stuff that goes into our recycle bin here! AND, some people put in cardboard boxes, which is fine, but they don't crush them or tear them up, they just put in the box, dump other stuff on top and voila! the bin is "full" with no room left for anyone else. We have only the one bin for the flour flats. I have stood out there in heat and rain sometimes just hauling out those boxes and tearing them up so as to fit in my stack of newspapers and empty jars.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.